Duck And Cover

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At last, it is finished.

The flame burns once more, and humanity will continue.

Now, as I felt my body burning and my soul fading, I welcome the comforting embrace of eternal slumber. After endless death and continual strife I am happy that I get to die for good.

As I began to lose consciousness, I uttered what I thought were my last words....

"Praise the sun!"

And with that, Edgar, the new lord of cinder, turned to ash as all before him did as well.

Many, many years later

It was a average day in America, Boston, the sun was shining despite the few clouds in the sky, birds were singing, families were enjoying their breakfast while watching the news.

Then the warning sirens started blaring their ominous song. Panic spread as people rushed to the safety of the vaults, hoping beyond hope that they would make it in time. But very few did. Those that weren't lucky enough to have a place in a vault were blown away by the blasts. Those lucky enough to survive the blast had to deal with the nuclear fallout, radiation and ash, and try and survive in this new hellish world.

When the ash from the bombs finally settled, the wind began to move it all to one place, north of Vault 111 there formed a small crater after a non-nuclear explosive detonated due to the initial chaos of the war. In that crater, ash from all around slowly accumulated. Many years after the bombs fell travelers would eventually find this place, naming it the ash pit.

Over time, more and more ash would gather there, eventually the pit was full enough that the ash covered near by areas. People started to stay away from that place as rumors and stories spread about it.

Some say the place is cursed, others say not even ghouls dare go there. The more paranoid theories that it was a base for the enclave, the institute, or the brotherhood of steel.

They were all wrong, however, as the crater that formed had been where the First flame used to reside before time obscured it and nature covered it. Had anyone dared to venture into the center of the crater, they would have found a peculiar sword stuck into a pile of bones with a small, persistent, flame forever burning there.

As time continued to pass and the world continued to recover, the flame began to grow brighter as the souls of the dead began to make their way out of the ash and into the fire.

Finally, after over two hundred years, the fire was strong enough to resurrect the soul of a lord. That lord would be Edgar, the last Lord of the age of fire.

But the Lord was reluctant to wake, wishing only to continue his peaceful rest. So he continued to slumber, unmoving, undying, and uncaring of the world around him. Until someone was brave, or foolish, enough to enter the Ash Pit.


"So, let me get this straight, Noone comes here because they say it's cursed, or haunted, or something?"


"And you think so too?"


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