A Deal is Struck

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It was a few days ago that the incident happened. Tommy was still worried that more Raiders were going to show up, although he didn't know if they would come for entertainment or vengeance. Either way, he needed to find a new way to make money, running a fight pit wasn't worth it anymore.

"For fuck sake Tommy! You can't just leave me here, I have nowhere to go! The least you could do is help me get to Diamond City or anywhere safe."
The redhead yelled at her now former employer.

"I'm sorry Cait, but I barely have enough caps to buy a nuka cola, let alone help support a Chem addict! I'm leaving, and if you follow me that's fine, but I am NOT helping you anymore. You need to learn to keep yourself in check, and slamming Psycho isn't going to do it."


Cait now walked between buildings as she quietly made her way towards the north.  While she didn't like going to a place a monster like the armored man  would call a sanctuary, she was currently out of options. If things turned out to be as she imagined then she would try and loot the place at night and make her way to Diamond City. If it turned out to be an actual safe place then she would most likely stay.

The problem now was getting there to begin with. Turns out that the Raiders in the area knew what went down in the Combat Zone, and they weren't happy. As soon as one caught sight of Cait they called for backup and opened fire.

Chances were that Tommy was dead, he never was the subtle type, and Cait was fine with that. He had abandoned her, just like the rest. He could rot in a ditch and be eaten by feral for all she cared.

But now she was doing her best to stay quiet and stay out of sight. She was nearing the border of the city, a massive field of irradiated trees and dry grass laid before her, but there was one problem. A figure in power armor was standing maybe 60 feet away, gun raised and searching the rooftops, meaning that they had noticed someone up there. And if said someone was a raider, they would shoot Cait on sight.

"Just not my fuckin day." She swore under her breath. As she was preparing to make a break for it a gunshot rang out, causing her to drop to the floor in an attempt to take cover. However, a loud ping in the distance told her that it was the one in power armor that was the attacker's target.

As soon as the raider on the roof fired his second shot the figure began firing back. Cait was no gun expert, but she could hear the difference in caliber. Whatever the armored figure was shooting had a lot more kick than the Raider weapons she was used to hearing.

The figure shouted out some orders, revealing them to be a man, and a dog bolted from the grass towards the building Cait was next to. As it dashed to the door a raider kicked it open and began firing at the man only to be tackled by the dog, which swiftly built into the raider's arm and caused his gun to fall to his side.

"Well, fuck me then!" Cait shouted as she slammed her last dose of Psycho into her arm and dashed for the downed raider. When she got close she picked the gun up, it was a loaded double barrel shotgun, with a solid stock and shortened barrels. Opting to conserve her two shots she lifted a foot and stomped on the raider's throught, one last grunt escaping his lips before he went limp.

The dog looked at Cait with what appears to be a grateful bark, before it ran into the building. Cait followed behind, recognizing a well trained attack dog and deciding that following it was a good way to stay alive. Together the two worked their way up the building taking down several more Raiders before all gunfire stopped as the two reached the roof.

Seven Raiders lay dead near the ledge of the building, no doubt shot when attacking the man in power armor. As Cait searched through the pockets of the fallen, she heard a voice shout from below.

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