The Wrath Of Fire

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In the raider camp, just after Edgar had left, everyone released a held breath. The gate slammed shut as the large man with the burn mark left, hopefully for good, and took that slave girl with him.

"Man, that guy was as large as a super mutant!"

"And did you see the mark on his face? I think he was one of those psycho forged freaks. God, I hope he doesn't come back to 'recruit' us." the collective raiders all shared a shiver at the thought.

"Oh, we don't need to worry about the forged any time soon." the voice of the boss drew everyone's attention.

He was standing just outside his office, welding a massive sword with a twisted blade. Well, welding isn't the right word, since he was barely able to heft it of the ground.

"If those creeps ever come here I'll give 'em this sword to make them go away. This thing is high quality, even an idiot could tell, so imagine what their leader would think of it!"

One by one the raiders started to put 2 + 2 together, realizing that one of their major worries were out of the way. Slowly they all began to cheer, whoop and hollar, and begin partying. Someone brought out the booze stash, and the night was brimming with celebration, as now they only had to worry about the gunners, but they operate further south than they would ever go.

After 20 minutes of drinking, most of the raiders were pretty inebriated, to say the least. That's when there was another knock on the gate.

"Damn it, who *hic* could that be?"

The guard stumbled over to the gate and leaned out, barely able to stand he had to use the gate itself as support.

"The fuck d'you want?"

Suddenly everyone went silent as a sudden blast of flames erupted from the gate. The guard's headless body was thrown several feet by the blast, while the gate was thrown wide open.

Then, in the flickering of the bonfire's light, what looked like a molten mass of metal stepped in.


Edgar was surprised, maybe even confused by what he was now looking at. He had expected the raiders to be ready for a fight, since he had made no effort to hide his approach, even letting his armor ignite to help prepare some pyromancy. But instead they were all drinking and partying?

They had even opened the gate for him, and thr guard had lost his head to a direct blast of fireball.

"Come now, you didn't believe I would stay away, did you?"

Nobody moved. The fire light flared up, the embers crackled, the raiders were all frozen in place. Everyone seemed to be waiting for some signal to start, including Edgar.

After an extending silence, Edgar decided to make the first move, and took a step forward.

Apparently that whas what they were waiting for. Every raider scrambled to find their weapons and kill the monster before them, but none were ready for what came next.

As everyone took aim and opened fire at the man before them, he seemed unaffected by their bullets. A few of them seemed to sink in, most of which were shot from higher calliber rifles, but still the man remained unflinching.

"Really now, can't you see this is pointless?"

Edgar extended his hand forward and clenched his fist. Slowly a ball of brilliant golden flames expanded in his grasp. Once it had sufficiently grown he opened his hand facing downwards and slammed his palm to the earth.

Nuclear Ash (Darksouls OC X Fallout 4)Where stories live. Discover now