Flames Of Fury

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Anor Londo was a grand city, made to be a shining beacon to the world, but it lacked one thing, wide open fields.

Edgar had only been in a few fields that he can remember, but he had always liked them. Not only because they gave him a clear view of his surroundings, but there was a special kind of peacefulness that he felt in them.
Maybe it was the honesty of them, you can see everything and everything can see you. But of all the wide open areas he had been in, the wasteland was the largest.

He could see for miles around him, only the occasional hill blocking his view. However, the air was always hazy and therefore hard to see through. Most likely an effect of the 'Nuclear Bombs' as Nate had called them. Edgar didn't fully understand what they were, after all, how could someone make an explosion big enough to level the earth?

Edgar was pulled from his thoughts as he caught sight of a small shack in the distance. It had some small trees nearby, but was mostly in the open, and had a small field of plants growing next to it.
As the sun slowly fell onto the horizon Edgar decided that it looked as good a place to rest as any Edgar made his way over to it and began making a bonfire. However, he was interrupted by the sound of movement behind him. Years of traing made him instinctively grab his sword, ready to draw it should the source of the unknown sounds be hostile.

"Y'know it's rude to camp on someone's land, right?"
The voice was young, not as rough as a hollow or a raider.

Slowly releasing the grip on his sword, Edgar turned his head to see who was speaking to him. What he saw surprised him greatly.

The tallest of the three figures, standing at about 5'8 was a boy with bright blue eyes, and very dirty brown hair. He had deeply tanned skin and was wearing tattered clothes, clearly they hadn't been washed in months. He was pointing a 'gun' at him, although he looked like he had never learned how to use one. Despite his apparent lack of experience he aimed at Edgar with a fiery determination.

Next to him was a girl, slightly shorter with similar colored hair that went down to her mid-back. Her eyes were a duller blue and her skin several shades lighter. Her clothes were in a similar state to the boy's, but we're much cleaner.

The final of the three was no taller than Edgar's knee. The small infant was hiding behind the girl's leg, the only reason Edgar noticed her was the bright blind hair coming from her head. Her eyes were the same color as the boy's, possibly brighter, and she looked very pale.

Seeming to grow tired of Edgar's silent stare the boy spoke up again.
"I'm talking to you, buddy. Who are you and what do you want?"

Edgar took a deep breath, holding it for a moment releasing it and standing up. The boy followed him up with his shotgun, until Edgar turned around, and he realised just how large the figure before him truly was.


Edgar looked down at the boy, having about three feet on him.


The two girls were now hiding behind him, the smaller one shaking with fear. The older girl spoke up, her voice wracked with fear.
"Please, we already gave you all we had. Just leave us alone!"

A heavy silence filled the air, none of them daring to speak.

"Put your weapon away."

The sound of Edgar's voice was laced with power, seeming to echo in the minds of the three before him.

Shaken by the intimidating height, size, and voice of the figure before him, the boy dropped his gun on the ground.

"Sit with me."

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