Like Ash In The Wind

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Edgar opened his eyes, someone had sat beside him and shaken him from his stupor of thought.

"Hey kid, can we talk?"
Mama Murphy had a somewhat worried expression on her face.

Edgar nodded, giving her a chance to speak her mind. Clearly what's er was troubling her was series, given that she had woken him in the middle of the night.

"There's a lot out there kid, both dangerous and beautiful, and all of it new to you. I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just an old lady giving you some advice, but I think it would be better for everyone if you stayed here, and helped protect us while Nate is away."

Silence filled the air, even the crackling of the flame was hushed as Edgar sat unmoving.

A minute passed.
Then another.
And another.

Mama Murphy began to grow increasingly worried, thinking she may have upset him, and was about to apologize and leave when Edgar finally spoke up.

"Madam Murphy, I do not wish for harm to befall any of you here. But there is a problem."
His hand stretched forward towards the fire, palm upwards. In his hand was a small white ball, seemingly made of mist.
"The first flame needs souls to stay alight. Simply staying here and fighting the odd invader will not be enough to kindle the flames. So you see, I must go."

Edgar suddenly clenched his hand shut, and a dull crack was heard. White wisps of smoke flew from between his fingers and into the embers of the flame, and the fire grew a little brighter.

" I will not abandon you, Madam Murphy, but I cannot stay. I will be leaving in the morning, but I do have a favor to ask of you."

He reached into a pouch strapped to his hip. From it he pulled a white crystal, shaped like the blade of a knife, but thicker. Standing up then kneeling down, Edgar began to carve into the ground strange symbols, the language entirely foreign to Mama Murphy.

"This is a summons sign. Should there ever be need of me I grant you, and you alone, the power and authority to use its power to call me here."

As he finished speaking the symbols began to glow a pure white, emitting a faint aura of serenity around it. At the same time, orange whisps shot from the first flame and swirled around Mama Murphy, startling her.

When she gasped, the whisps entered into her mouth and seemed to fuse with her. She felt a surge of warmth from deep inside herself, and she began to breath quickly.

"Worry not, that was only the fire granting you power." Edgar knelt down next to her and laid a hand on her shoulder, holding her still and helping her breathing return to normal.

"I'm okay now kid, just warn me next time, okay?"

"I doubt I'll do that to you again."

Giving a light chuckle, Mama Murphy left to return to bed, and Edgar began to pack his gear. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he was going to be slaying whatever he could to feed the fire, be it man, beast, or demon.


The sun had risen, Edgar gave it a respectful \[T]/ before making his way out of sanctuary. He had left a note telling Wallace of his plan, and asking him to take care of Madam Murphy. Nate had been awake to see him off, telling him the direction of Diamond City. "In vase you feel like stopping by to help." he had said.

As he crossed the bridge, Edgar noticed that he had started leaving footprints on the ground. What little grass there was had started to singe under his feet, leaving a clear path of his travels. This in and of itself didn't bother Edgar, but it would make it easier for anyone to follow him, friend or foe.

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