A World Burned By Nuclear Fire

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Edgar wiped the blood off his blade. He didn't know if Andre was still around, so he didn't want to risk ruining his sword.

Honestly, is it too much to ask to be left to rest?

The armored man sat down by the fire once more, feeling the warmth of the flame permeate his entire body.

Though, I suppose I have rested for quite some time. Perhaps I should go and see how the world has changed.

Edgar stood abruptly, his armor clattering from the sudden movement.

"After all, I am the lord of Cinder. I can make a new bonfire wherever I please, can't I?"

The Fire seemed to flare at the words of it's master, seeming to encourage his actions. Soon the knight reached out and grabbed the embers at the bottom of the bonfire, pulling a small flame from deep within the ashes.

With his flame now in hand the coiled sword was soon to follow. While the Bonfire's blade looked menacing, it was never meant for combat, it's sole purpose was to light a bonfire. This was fine for Edgar, he had his own sword (Modeled after the bonfire's coiled sword) that had served him well in the past.

With his equipment prepared and his mind set, Edgar the Lord of Cinder embarked on his next grand adventure.


Two weeks later

Edgar had been walking for weeks and hadn't seen a single soul. Were those two the last ones left? Surely not, right?

In truth, several settlers and raiders had seen him, but none dared to approach. He was rather intimidating, given that he looked like a man in power armor welding not one, but two flaming swords.

Nover the less, Edgar was determined to find someone, anyone to talk to. It had been years since he last had an actual conversation. So he continued on into the night, using his pyromancy to create a bright light in his hands.

Soon he crested a hill and found strange metal objects, like beasts of steel, sitting around a circle of metal embedded into the ground. Their were bones of long dead people littering the ground, a few of which seemed to be wearing a type of helmet. Grabbing a few bones from the dead, Edgar began to ponder on what he had found.

Strange, I've never seen such a use for steel. Seems wasteful to make entire structures out of it. Perhaps it became more plentiful while I was gone?

Eventually Edgar found a path down the hill, which lead him into a small village of sorts. Many of the buildings were in ruins, the trees were fallen on the ground, more Strange metallic objects littered the area. There was still one tree standing, a large and thick tree that seemed to be the centerpiece of the village.

I suppose this will suffice as a place for rest.

Edgar drew the coiled sword from his back and tossed the bones of the dead on the ground. He wasn't fond of taking from the dead, but he needed their bones to make a bonfire.

Driving the blade deep into the ground, through the bones and into the dirt, a small flame sparked at where bone and blade made contact. The Lord of Cinder reached out his hand and willed the flame to strengthen.

With a burst of light, the first proper bonfire in this new age was lit. This will make a good place of rest for now. Edgar sat down and began to rest,he was tired after walking for days on end and hoped that come morning he would be able to see somewhere where people might be.

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