The Lord Of Fire Ignites

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Nate was tired. He had been walking all night to get back to sanctuary, and as a result he hadn't exited his power armor. Preston had asked him to go check on some settlers asking for help from the minute men, so he had agreed to go.

If he had known he would have to kill an entire factory of raiders, he might have brought backup, but sadly all he had was dogmeat. Atleast his furry friend had been able to kill a few raiders, otherwise he might have been overrun.

"Alright boy, what do ya say we stop by red rocket and unload some of this gear?"

*Affermative Bark*

Soon the gas station came into view, the mole rat corpses littering the ground had begun to decompose, luckily the crows seemed to be taking care of them.

Nate opened a storage locker and placed an armful of loot inside. Most of it was basic weaponry and armor, but it was all useful as salvage. After scrapping anything of no use Nate began to repair his power armor, those raiders had left more than a few dents in it.

Suddenly dogmeat began growling, and as Nate turned to see what was causing him distress he saw something he didn't like.

He saw smoke rising from sanctuary.

Quickly hoping into his power armor Nate called out to dogmeat. "Let's go boy!" and they both rushed towards the town as fast as they could.

When he finally arrived all Nate saw was the bodies of a dozen raiders, most of which hewn in two and smouldering with fire, and what looked like a man in power armor holding I giant flaming sword. The figure was facing the last of the raiders, the poor fellow had nothing but a pipe pistol and some leather armor.

As the menacing warrior slowly approaches the final raider, to everyone's surprise, he drops his gun and raised his hands in surrender.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please, I was just trying to survive the only way I know how. I don't care if you punish me but please, don't kill me!"

Nate continued his approach and holstered his pistol. Whoever this stranger was he had undoubtedly saved sanctuary from yet another band of raiders. And he even spared one of them who seemed to be 18 at most.

Tension slowly released from the atmosphere as the metal man's sword extinguished and was placed on his back. Preston and Sterges ran up and tied the raider's hands behind his back. "Thank you, we owe you for this." Preston said.

"Wait. Let me speak to him."
The armored man said. His tone of voice was less of asking and more of ordering. A little off put by this, both the men backed off leaving the raider kneeling in front of the man.

Nate didn't like this. He had seen executions before in war, and this was looking far too similar. He bagan to approach the man, but before anything could be said the sword on his back ignited again.

"Tell me your name."

The voice had an air of power to it, such that even Nate wanted to answer just by hearing it.


The man's armor began to glow like the coals of a fire, and he reached his left hand forward, until it was nearly touching Wallace's face.

"Tell me, boy, do you think you deserve mercy?"

Wallace seemed to break down in fear. He started thrashing against his bindings, but when that failed he simply began to cry.

"I-I-I didn't... I didn't want to hurt anyone, but they made me do it!"

Wallace fell to the ground and curled up the best he could.

Nuclear Ash (Darksouls OC X Fallout 4)Where stories live. Discover now