New Calls (0)

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Soft sobs fill the dark room as her shoulders shake ever so slightly. She was lost, confused by his sudden disappearance from her life. This isn't like him, she tells herself. It's not the first time that he's disappeared, but it's never been this long.

It had been at least two months since she had last spoken to Leo. He had mentioned that this might have been the last time he could ever speak to her again. It was the first - and now what seems like the last - time he had said I love you. But.. she hadn't been able to say it back. The conversation plays back in her mind.


"Please, please be safe, Captain. Call me as soon as it's over. I want to know that you're okay," she pleads as she walks back and forth across the wooden floor of her bedroom.

"I know, Princess. I'm going to try, but this is unlike anything we've faced. I want to say that I'll definitely come back, but I'm not so sure..." His shaky voice comes through the phone.

Her heart tightens at his tone. He sounds so terrified of what's about to come. She reassures him that he'll make it out on top. No one is as determined as he and his brothers. She hears him let out that chuckle that makes her knees weak and she can't help the smile that makes its way onto her face.

"You always know the right thing to say, Princess. I wish I could've seen you one time before this," he says, and she can almost hear his smile drop.

"It will happen, Captain. Because I know you'll come back alive, maybe a little bruised and beaten, but you know I have a soft spot for battle scars" she attempts a joke and he lets out a small laugh.

"Heh... Y/n, I know I'm gonna sound like a giant ass for this, and you don't have to answer back, but..." he trails off. She waits for a moment but he doesn't speak.

"Leo, baby. What's the matter?" She asks, her tone becoming worried.

"I love you, Y/n," he finally says.

Her breath hitches and she stops in her tracks, her body can't move. He actually said it... SAY IT BACK, YOU IDIOT! WHY WON'T YOU SAY ANYTHING!? She yells at herself. She tries to say something, but no words leave her mouth.

"What? Now!?- Y/n, Princess. I have to go, I love you so much, don't forget it," he says.

"W-Wait! Leo, I-" She hears the hang up tone. "- love you, too..." she finishes.

The phone falls from her hand and she crumbles to her knees, tears cascading down her face as she lets out a pained scream. She was too late to say it.

She was too late to say goodbye...



Her head shoots up at the sound of her phone ringing. She dashes up from under the blanket, her foot getting caught and sending her to the floor with a loud THUMP! She groans and quickly gets back up to her feet as the phone keeps ringing.

She grabs it from the table and clicks the power button; her hopeful smile shatters when the name 'Mama' comes up. She takes a breath before pressing the accept button.

Written Together {Leo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now