Guns and Goodbyes

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"Okay, so you hold it like this," Y/n explained as she adjusted Venus's arms around the gun. "Take a breath, aim, and pull the trigger."

Taking a breath as instructed, Venus aimed for the homemade target and pulled the trigger, hitting the edge of it. Her shoulders slumped in disappointment, but Y/n quickly wrapped her arms around her, a big smile plastered across her face.

"That was good! Don't beat yourself up. You'll get the hang of it," she reassured, patting Venus on the shoulder.

Determined to not give up, Venus cocked the gun again and aimed, shooting closer to the bullseye this time. Y/n whooped and shook the alien's shoulders from behind.

"Hey, that was better! It just takes practice. We still have a few more days, so don't stress," she smiled, taking the gun back and taking the shells out, replacing them with new bullets.

Venus tapped her on the shoulder and handed her the notepad.

'Are you really sure this is a good idea? Won't it cause problems for you two?'

Y/n sighed and sat down on a rock, setting her gun on the ground. "Yes, and no," she muttered, looking up at the sky. "I know I promised, but now that I know what's actually going on and what his life is like. I can't stand on the sidelines, I have to help."

Venus nodded in understanding and sat down beside her, both of them watching as the clouds rolled by.

Y/n hissed slightly as she rubbed her aching wrist. She had landed on the ground awkwardly yesterday and had sprained it. Venus had healed it, but it needed to do the rest of the healing on its own.

"Sooo...." Y/n drew out. "Have any of them caught your attention?" She finished with a smirk on her face.

Venus tugged on her hair and thought, the only one she had spent a good amount of time with, other than Y/n, had been the purple clad turtle, Donnie. She admired his intellect and the fact that the two of them could communicate through sign language.

But that wasn't enough to say that she had any sort of feelings for him. So, she shook her head while shrugging. Y/n nodded, and the two of them went back to watching the sky, enjoying the break they had both silently agreed to.

After an hour or so, Y/n's phone began to ring. She pulled it out and saw that it was April who was contacting her.

"Hello?" She asked as she accepted the call.

"Can I please come and stay at your place tonight, Casey is driving me insane," April asked.

"Yeah, no, that's not a problem! Me and Venus are out at the moment, but we'll be heading home soon, I'll text you when we get there."

"Thank you!!" April cheered and hung up. Y/n laughed, and Venus shot her a confused look.

"April's coming over tonight. She needs a break from Casey," she explained.

"Ah, the animal?" Venus signed. Y/n snorted and covered her mouth to stop the giggles from escaping. Venus had been teaching her some basic sign language, and it had definitely been paying off.

"Yeah, that's the one!" She took a breath and wiped away the forming tears from her eyes. "We should probably get going, though. As much as we don't really like each other, I think she's suffered enough the past three days."

Written Together {Leo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now