One in a Million

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Mikey quickly ducked under Donnie's punch, grabbing his arm and knocking him out from under his legs. They both went down as he pinned him to the ground. He called mercy and Mikey got off him, helping him to his feet.

"I really thought I had it that time!" He groaned as Mikey chuckled.

"There's always next time, bro," he patted his brother's shell, but Donnie still looked upset.

He looked over at Casey and April fooling around and his heart ached a little. He was going crazy over his stupid crush on her. But she really never gave him the time of day anymore, seeming to be more interested in Casey.

He tried to convince himself that she would eventually get bored and would see that Donnie was the better option, in his opinion at least. He watched Y/n and Leo sitting on the porch, the two engaged in a conversation. The way Y/n looked at Leo, he wanted April to look at him that way, but he was slowly losing hope.

Mikey interrupted his thoughts by throwing his arm over his shoulders. "They're so cute, aren't they?"

Donnie only rolled his eyes and shrugged Mikey off. Feeling irritated, he walked off to the barn. Sitting down, he thumped his head on his workbench. It wasn't Y/n and Leo's fault that he was feeling jealous of their relationship. They were just in love with each other, so it was normal for them to act a certain way.

He just couldn't help but feel like it was unfair in a semi-selfish way. Why could it work for Leo, but not for him? It really was making him feel like there was something wrong with him, and not the fact that he was mutant. He groaned and buried his head in his arms. He began to tinker with a random invention, trying to distract himself from the self-deprecating thoughts that were running through his head.

A knock came from the barn door, and he glanced over his shoulder to see Raph leaning against it. He raised an eyebrow before turning back to his invention, not really in a mood to talk to anyone, especially his hot-headed brother.

"What's got you all mopey?" Raph leant against the bench, watching Donnie tinker.

"I'm not being mopey," he answered.

"I saw you looking at April, then at Y/n and Leo. Then you just walked off," Raph pointed out.

"Why do you care?"

"Because I think you're being stupid."

Donnie closed his eyes and sighed through his nose. He didn't want to go off, but Raph was pushing it. "I don't know what you're trying to imply, but you're wrong. Can you please just leave?"

"So, it does have something to do with April," Raph continued. "Dude, you should know by now that she's not into you. It was funny at first, but now, it's starting to get sad."

Grumbling, Donnie finally looked at Raph. "I'm not really in a mood to talk about this, can we please just drop it?" He turned back to his invention, but Raph spun his chair around to face him.

"No, we're gonna talk about it now, and I ain't leaving until you do," he crossed his arms with a frown.

"Since when have you cared? All you and the guys have done is make fun of my crush on April. So why should I think that you, of all people, would care about how I'm feeling now?" Donnie stood up from his chair.

"Because you're my brother. And at the moment, Splinter isn't here, and Leo is a little occupied with girlfriend," Raph said, looking away from his younger brother. "I'm... I'm just trying to be a better brother."

Donnie's eyes widened a little. Sure, he'd seen him treat Leo and Mikey a little nicer, but with himself, it was always teasing and pushing him around; he was a little surprised that Raph was actually going out of his way to see if he was okay.

Written Together {Leo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now