Welcome to New York

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Venus's hair flew in the wind as she stuck her head out, enjoying the cool breeze. She pulled it back in after a bit and turned to Y/n, who had her hands planted firmly on the wheel, her knuckles turning white from the grip.

She felt bad for Y/n. She knew that this was going to be hard for her, and when they eventually came face to face with the turtles again, an argument was sure to ensue. All she could do was try and protect her friend from anything that tried to harm her.

"I'm okay, really," Y/n reassured her, but she kept her eyes on the road.

Over some of the hills, Y/n could see a few skyscrapers peeking out. They would be there soon.

"Leo will understand when I tell him, and if he doesn't, he can suck it up," Y/n continued. " I'm not about to let him and the others go against a whole alien invasion by themselves. They need help, and I'll do it in any way that I can."

Venus nodded and turned her attention back to the road.

The border gates appeared, and Y/n slowed to a halt, turning the truck off and getting out. She walked up to the gates, noticing that they were empty. A grin appeared on her face, and she bolted back to the truck.

"Looks like free entry," she smirked and sped off, destroying one of the barriers and continuing to drive.

They eventually got into the city, and Y/n could feel her heart break.

It was eerily quiet.

The city was destroyed.

Everyone was gone.

Whatever these aliens were, they had done their damage.

Venus made a strangled noise, and Y/n snapped back to reality, swerving out of the way of a pile of cars and crashing into the window of a bakery. She groaned and held her head. It was pounding after going headfirst into the steering well.

"Ah, fuck!" She yelled, kicking the door open and climbing out, surveying the damage done to the car.

Venus had wriggled her way into the back and grabbed the guns and bags, opening the back door and climbing out.

"Looks like we're going on foot," Y/n grumbled, taking her bag and gun from Venus.

She noticed Venus's eyes trained on her head. She brought her hand up to her forehead and hissed. She could feel the lump forming.

"We'll worry about it later, c'mon," she said, grabbing the alien's hand and walking over to the front door.

After making sure that it was safe, she pulled the door open, and the two of them exited, looking around the dilapidated streets.

"It's getting dark. We need to find somewhere to stay for the night," Y/n suggested, and Venus nodded.

As the two of them ran down the street, Y/n noticed a fire escape and grabbed Venus's hand, pulling her to it and clasping her hands together.

Without a word, Venus climbed up and pulled on the ladder, both of them jumping out of the way as it screeched. They both climbed up, checking every window to see if one was open.

"Vee! Give me a hand with this one!" Y/n whisper shouted, her fingers jammed into the crack of a window sill and the window. After a few tries, they got the window open and collapsed into the empty apartment.

"Jesus Christ," Y/n breathed out, sitting up and looking around the apartment.

It was barely untouched, save for a table toppled over, and some of the furniture was skewed, like someone had left in a hurry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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