Calm Before the Storm

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~ A few days ago ~

"Live with me?" 

Leo looked over his shoulder, curious about the conversation that drifted from the kitchen. He got up and walked over to the door, making sure not to reveal himself as he eavesdropped.

"Look, I know it's asking a lot, but there's barely any room for the me, Casey and the boys, they're all having to bunk with one another, and I don't have a room available for Venus," April explained.

Y/n let out an audible sigh. "Okay, she can stay with me for a while, but we're going to have to figure something out since my folks are coming back soon."

"Thank you, Y/n! I owe you one!" April cheered.

"Oh, trust me, I'll be holding you to that," Y/n replied, and he could almost hear the smirk on her face. 

He chuckled when April let out a groan.


Y/n quickly ducked under Mikey's arm, swiping her leg at his and knocking him off his feet. She let out a cry of victory as he hit the ground. A big smile broke out on his face, and he jumped to his feet, as if the fall did barely any damage.

"That was awesome, babycakes!" He laughed as he picked her up and spun her around. 

"It only took me two weeks to knock you on your butt!" She giggled as he put her down. 

"You're still doing awesome for someone who's never done ninjistu before," he smiled, holding his hands up and getting into a fighting position.

Leo watched from the porch as Y/n and Mikey started to spar again. He was surprised that she had wanted to learn their way of fighting, and while he would have done it himself, Mikey had quickly jumped at the opportunity to help her. Saying that, he owed her a favour for teaching him how to use her shotgun. But she had quickly slapped her hand over his mouth before he could say anything else.

He felt a tap on his shoulder, and he looked up to see Venus standing there with a small smile and a teacup in her hand. She offered to him, and he accepted it with a small 'Thank you.' She sat down beside him and watched as the others sparred. 

His eyes watched Y/n as she blocked another one of Mikey's punches. Her movements were fluid and fast. She had picked up quickly on moves that had taken him and his brothers months to learn when they had first started years ago. He tore his eyes away from her when a sharp pain shot up through his leg, and he grabbed it, trying to soothe the pain by rubbing it, but it did nothing.

Venus had noticed his discomfort and, once again, she tapped him on the shoulder. She stood up and held her hand out for him. Curious, he grabbed her hand, and she pulled him to his feet and into the farmhouse. She sat him down at the island and turned the faucet on.

His eyes widened in surprise when she began to manipulate the water, forming it into a small ball, almost like a bubble. She turned the faucet off and brought the water bubble to her lips, and it began to glow.

Leo watched with curiosity as she rounded the island with the bubble in her hands. It enveloped his aching leg, and he could feel the pain washing away. It went back to her hands, and she threw the bubble back into the sink, it splashing as it made contact.

"How did you do that!?" He asked in amazement.

Venus smiled and pulled out a small notepad from the hoodie she had borrowed from Y/n, wrote something down, and then handed it to him.

'My species has a strong connection with water. We're able to manipulate it and use it however we wish. It didn't fix your injury, but it did help with healing it a bit.'

Written Together {Leo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now