Sounds of Silence

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Early morning fog drifted through the gap of the slightly ajar door. It creaked loudly as Leo pushed on it, peeking into the barn and smiling softly at the sight in front of him. Curled up on a pile of hay were Donnie, Raph and Y/n, all sleeping soundly. 

~ The previous night ~

Leo's leg bounced up and down as he toyed with the bandages on his fingers. After almost an hour of silence, he'd heard an explosion, and he was now worrying. He wanted to go out and see if the others were okay, but his leg prevented him from doing so.

The front door busted open, and he jumped from the couch, pain shot up through his leg and he hissed. He hobbled over to the hallway and saw all six of them covered from head to toe in guts and blood whilst talking excitedly amongst themselves.

Y/n was the first one to notice him and she giddily ran up to him, going to hug him, but he quickly moved out of the way. She looked at him sadly.

"Sorry, Princess, but I'm not hugging you while you smell like a dead animal," he chuckled.

"Dude, we saw that-that thing that fell out of the sky, it was a giant, like, squid!" Mikey rambled.

"Actually, it was an octopus," Donnie corrected.

"Raph and Y/n blew it up!" Mikey continued.

Leo, surprised, looked over at Y/n and Raph, both were smiling and high fiving each other. Raph moved on to talking to Casey and Y/n bounded over to him again. 

"Did you see? Did you see?" She asked excitedly. 

He chuckled and nodded. "Looks like you're getting on well with him."

"Give it another outing like that, and I'll have conquered the quest of befriending your brothers!" She giggled quietly, bouncing on her feet. 

"I call dibs on the first shower!" Casey announced, running up the stairs. Both Mikey and Raph argued and ran up after him but ran right into the door just as Casey slammed it shut.

"We still have to figure out what's out of the bottom of that lake," Donnie stated, bringing Y/n and Leo back to the conversation.

"Wait, there's still something out there?" Leo asked. 

"Raph said he saw some kind of ship at the bottom of a lake," Y/n explained. 

"Do you think that thing might have been protecting it?" April questioned. 

"It's possible, but we need to figure out just where that lake was. Y/n," he turned to her. "Do you remember where that lake was?"

She nodded. "I know these woods like the back of my hand, it shouldn't be too hard."

"Great, do you mind if I try scraping some of that monster's guts off you to analyse it?" 

"Sure thing, can I help?" 

"Yeah, I'm going to need yours and Raph's help pinning down where that lake is," he smiled. 

Just as Raph stepped down into the front foyer, Y/n and Donnie were already dragging him out the front door, Y/n getting him up to speed.

~ The next morning ~

Leo walked over to Donnie's desk, where a bulletin board with a map had been set up. If all of the bodies of water that been circled was anything to go by, they had been up all night pinpointing the lake.

Someone groaned behind him, he looked over and saw Raph stirring. Said turtle stretched and noticed his older brother looking at him.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," Leo joked.

Written Together {Leo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now