It's Actually You

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Sunlight. It was something Leo had come to love since he had woken up. For the past couple of weeks, he had woken up early, made tea and had come out to the swinging seat by the farmhouse just to enjoy the sun rising. But, that morning, something felt different. He couldn't shake the feeling that something in his life was going to take a massive turn he wasn't prepare for, but it, surprisingly, didn't seem to worry him too much, with everything that had happened up until that point, anything was bound to happen.

He was aware of the current situation, though. His brothers had warned him that there was another farmhouse not too far away, and there was a human girl who had been getting a bit too close to April's farmhouse. Just a few nights ago, Raph had been on patrol and had had to knock her out because she had almost gotten to the clearing where the farmhouse was. While Leo didn't really agree with Raph's method of knocking her out, he did understand. Leo was still injured, so the burden of protecting their family had fallen onto Raph until he was fully healed.

Leo heard the front door open, and he looked over to see Donnie coming out. He waved him over and Donnie took a seat next to him, Donnie looked tired, which was fair, he had been up all night trying to make another medicine for Leo, and April had been talking his ear off about the argument she had with the nosy girl, apparently the two were childhood friends.

"I don't understand girls," Donnie mumbled out, hanging his head back to look up at the morning sky.

"I get what you mean," Leo chuckled. Donnie was the only one out of his brothers who knew about Y/n. He had gone to Donnie when Leo realised he had feelings for his pen pal and didn't know what to do about it.

"She called again?" Donnie asked.

"Yeah," Leo looked down at the cup in his hands. "She's been real worried about me. She keeps trying to ask about where I am, but I can't tell her. If she knew what I was, she'd never want to talk to me again."

"You don't know that," Donnie placed a hand on Leo's shoulder. "She could be like April and Casey. With how you describe her; she seems like the accepting type."

"Still, I don't want to risk it. She's one of the best things to happen to me in a while, and I don't want to lose her."

"But don't you think lying to her is you risking the possibility of losing her?" Donnie asked. 

Leo hadn't really thought about that. He'd been so focused on making sure she didn't find out what he was, that he didn't think that the constant lying might make her restless and one day, just decide it wasn't worth the wait and just move on from him. 

"I mean, again, you'll never know if you don't try to meet her," Donnie shrugged. Leo hummed in response and the two sat in silence for a little bit longer, just watching the sun rise.

"It really is nice to be up on the surface without having to worry about any humans screaming at just the sight of us," Leo chuckled, Donnie chuckling along with him.

"Other than that girl sneaking around here," he groaned, and Leo suppressed a snicker. "Something funny?"

"I just find her curiosity a little amusing, kind of reminds me of us when we first wanted to go to the surface."

Donnie thought for a moment. "I guess, but still, her poking around here is starting to get tiring. Especially with Raph having us double down on patrols for the past few days. You're lucky to just sit around here all day," Donnie sighed.

Leo felt a little bad for his brother. He had been feeling a little useless since he woke up. But there really wasn't much he could do while his leg was still basically broken. Raph had been on his shell the most, trying to get him to train more and heal faster, but wouldn't let him out of his sight for more than ten minutes. 

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