More Questions than Answers

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EDIT: Updated the title of this chapter because it was too long, lmao

Well, isn't this lovely, Y/n inwardly grumbles as her body is swung softly by a breeze going by. She was stuck a good ten feet up from the ground, caught in a hunting net. The net was starting to dig into her skin through her clothes, and she shifted a bit more, her heart speeding up every time she heard the ropes make any noise.

She lets out another groan of frustration and rests her head against the ropes. I could've been out of this stupid trap if I hadn't dropped my damn knife! She curses internally, looking down at the ground where she can see the gleam of her hunting knife reflecting in the sunlight. So close, and yet so far away.

Her attention is caught by the sound of.... What kind of animal is that? She wonders as she shifts again in the net. It sounded like some kind of demented screeching, and it was not pleasing to listen to.

"Casey, seriously! Can you just be quiet!?" A female voice yells. The voice is followed by another ear bleeding screech and a loud SLAP!

Y/n sucks the air in through her teeth as she cringes inwardly. That slap did not sound nice, I hope that animal is finally out of its misery... I hope... She hears the voices begin to get closer, and she maneuvers her body again in the direction of the voices. She can vaguely make out two figures in the dense forest. As they come closer, she takes a chance and yells out.

"Please help! I-I'm stuck!"



Silence. She's scared she's either scared these people off or has let someone know that their prey has been caught. And then she hears it, whispering. Oh crap, she curses. Suddenly, the girl's voice comes through, and what she says makes Y/n want to cry out of joy. "Hang on! We're coming to help!" 

A few seconds later, the two figures emerge from the bushes, and Y/n finally gets a good look at them. One was a girl with ginger hair and big baby blue eyes, the other was a boy with a graffitied skull mask covering his whole face, which he promptly lifted up when his eyes landed on Y/n. The two were quiet for a moment as they stared up at her and then at each other, probably wondering how they were going to cut her down without her falling and possibly injuring herself.

"My hunting knife is by the base of that tree," she said, trying to point to the tree near the boy. "If one of you is able to climb up here and give it to me, I'll be able to cut myself out." The boy looks down at his feet and spots the knife, picking it up and giving her a toothy grin, well, as much of a toothy grin as he could with the cavemouth he was currently sporting.

"This the hunting knife, sweetheart?" He asks cheekily, and she deadpans. She didn't have the patience for this, and it seemed like his friend was thinking the same as she was.

"For god's sake, Casey!" She snaps, snatching the knife out of Casey's hands and making her way to the tree Y/n was tied up in. "Don't worry, miss. I'll actually help you out," she says as she slips the knife into the belt of her jeans and begins to make her way up the tree.

Casey sulks a little but keeps an eye on his friend as she climbs up, making sure to catch her if she slips. The girl makes it to the top of the tree and gets as close to Y/n as she can, carefully slipping the knife in between the holes of the net. Knife in hand, Y/n begins to quickly, but carefully, cut the net so she can get out. Once cutting a hole big enough for her to slip through, she grabbed onto the branch above her and pulled herself up to sit on it, both legs dangling on either side of the branch. 

"You, okay?" The girl asks. Y/n looks up at her and gives her a smile. "Yeah, I'm okay now that I'm not dangling 10 feet in the air wondering if I'm either gonna die of starvation or suddenly drop and break my neck," she sarcastically replies, and the girl lets out a soft chuckle.

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