I Told You to Stay Away

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Y/n couldn't believe her eyes. She had to pinch herself just to check to see if she wasn't dreaming. Nope, she was awake, and now she had a sore shoulder from where she had pinched herself. Leo, her Captain, had reappeared. And right now, she was angry. Three months of radio silence, and all he could do was text her saying, 'Hey Princess'!? She wasn't going to let him off the hook that easily. She immediately called him, not caring that it was 11 o'clock at night. The phone rang a few seconds before he finally picked up.

"Hey, Princess..." his voice came through quietly, and it sounded like it had dropped a few notes. But he also sounded tired and hurt. She went silent. She didn't know what to say. Just hearing his voice after so long had her anger melting away slightly, and she couldn't stay mad at him.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" He asked, and she broke. 

She started sobbing, she covered her mouth to try and muffle them, but it really didn't do much. She heard shuffling and a door opening, and she could only assume he had gone to another room. 

"What happened!?" She asked. "You were gone for three months!"

Leo took a breath. "I-I'm so sorry, Y/n. I got injured so badly that I ended up falling into a coma. I'm still in rough shape. But when I woke up today, my brothers told me how long it had been, and I knew I needed to speak to you as soon as possible. I know you would've been worried out of your mind," he explained.

"You got that right! I-I'm just glad you're okay. You're actually on the phone!" She choked out, her sob turning into a laugh of relief. "I'm so grateful you're still here!"

Leo chuckled along with her, and she could hear him sniffling a little. She let out another sobbed laugh as she wiped her tears away. As she was taking a breath to calm herself down, she realised she had not even asked him how he was doing.

"Oh, shit! Right, how are you doing? Are you okay? Are your brothers taking care of you? They better be, you're injured, and you need all the care in the world right now," she rambled. "If I knew where you were, I would immediately come over and help you recover. Oh, we could definitely have a movie night, it's a pretty safe activity to do when you're recovering from an injury!"

Leo smiled softly as Y/n continued to ramble about the smallest things that she wanted to do with him. The way she talked about having a domesticated life made him feel bittersweet. This was one of the reasons he had been grateful for their distance when he was in New York, they could talk for hours about the kinds of dates they would go on, and the activities they would do together, it made him feel normal and just forget for a little while that he was a mutant.

"I want to do all those things with you, Princess," he chuckled, though he felt a pang of hurt when he said it. He knew that they could never be together in real life, but the thought of having to find a way to end things before they got too complicated was heart-wrenching. He didn't want to lose her. She meant everything to him.

"It will happen one day, Leo. And when that happens, everything will be okay," she reassured him. He wasn't so certain; how do you tell your human girlfriend that you're a six-foot mutant turtle?

"I hope so," he lies.

"I'll let you go for now since it's almost 11:30 at night and you need rest so you can get better."

"That's probably for the best, Princess. I'll try and call you tomorrow, okay?"

"You'd better, I don't need another heart attack," she joked, and he let out a quiet laugh, trying not to wake any of his brothers, or April and Casey.

"I'll speak to you tomorrow then, Princess," he smiled, though she couldn't see him.

"Not a problem. Oh, and Leo..." she started.

Written Together {Leo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now