Stalker in the Woods

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Still nothing...

Y/n lets out a sigh as she looks away from her phone on her nightstand and gets to her feet, stretching before making her way over to the kitchen to grab herself a drink of water. It had been a few days since she had heard the mysterious van driving around, and her curiosity was growing with each day.

She had been in the forest yesterday and she swore she had heard people talking, two of them. Both male, one sounded very chipper and bouncy and the other sounded like he really didn't want to be there, like a grumpy child who had been dragged to the store without the promise of candy.

She had wanted to approach them, but a twig snapping under her foot made her freeze and run in the opposite direction before the two men could even come to investigate what had caused the noise.

Wondering who exactly was out there made her heart beat speed up and the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. Endless questions kept plaguing her mind.

Are they good?

Are they evil?

Will they hurt me?

Could I befriend them?

Why are they out this far, away from any human civilisation?

Are they criminals?

Are... are they human?

That last question had been on her mind constantly. There was no doubt that there was something off about who these strangers were. Their footsteps didn't sound like your typical human, they sounded like they were barefoot, and sometimes she didn't even hear them in the forest until they spoke.

It made her once comfortable safe space feel like a place where she always had to look over her shoulder in case one of these strangers decided to jump her.

She shakes her head, trying to calm her now racing heart beat. Everything was fine, she didn't own these woods, everyone was welcomed.

Her mind ticks for a few minutes before she finally gives in to her thoughts and makes her way upstairs to her bedroom. She had to find out who they were, it was driving her crazy, and she wasn't going to let the fear get to her this time.

Please don't let me regret this...


The wind blew softly behind her as she continues on her set path, the leaves that litter the ground crunch under her feet with each step. Her heart was set in her throat as the thought of coming face to face with those who now reside in here scares and excites her at the same time.

She stops for a minute under a small clearing in the tall trees, the sunlight creating a spotlight which she uses to clear her rushing mind. A clouded mind is not a good mind, her father's words ring in her thoughts, clearing any thought of hesitation and fear from her.

Her e/c eyes open with a new sense of determination as a smile creeps onto her face. This was an adventure waiting to happen and she was going to take the leap of faith and jump into the deep end.

Her shoulders heave up and down as she takes another breath and begins to walk again, a small skip in her step. As she comes closer to the area that she knows these strangers seem to patrol, she feels that familiar feeling of being watched.

Her guard starts to go up as she continues forward, walking deeper into the area than she ever had before. Feeling eyes still following her, she pretends that she is oblivious.

Written Together {Leo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now