It Came From The Depths

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"A meteorite shower?"

"Yeah! It's supposed to be visible tonight! I thought it would be fun to watch it," Y/n grinned as she showed the newscast to Donnie on her phone. 

The new anchor stated that it was the first meteorite shower in almost 40 years. He thought about it and did agree that it seemed like a fun idea. They had all been training pretty hard the past couple of days, even Leo was joining in sometimes. 

"Okay, I'll let the others know! It'd be good for everyone to have a chill night," he turned back to his desk, testing more samples of mutagen. "Could you read me back the formula again?"

Y/n perched herself on the work bench and read aloud from one of Donnie's notebooks. She had taken quite an interest in his work, and she had been spending the past few days helping him test out different ways to make batches of retro mutagen much quicker.

She was still unaware of what it was for, but she was having fun, and that's all that mattered for her. As Donnie was dropping a few drops of mixed chemicals into the sample of mutagen, he accidentally miscalculated and added an extra drop.

The sample began to bubble and glow. She gave Donnie a worried look as he slowly backed away from the bench.

"It's not supposed to do that. Hit the deck!" He shouted, quickly ducking under the desk.

She tried to run, but she was too late. The sample blew, and she was blown a few feet away from the desk. She let out a scream as she held her wrist tightly, her skin bubbling and a chemical burn beginning to form. Pained tears fell from her eyes as she cradled her wrist.

Donnie came out from under the desk and ran over to her. He held her wrist with a look of horror. Scooping her up into his arms, he ran back into the house, Y/n's screams of pain alerting everyone.

Mikey was the first one into the kitchen after Donnie and Y/n, finding Donnie washing her wrist in the sink while she continued to whimper and writhe in pain.

"What happened?" He asked, running over to her and grabbing her hand, to which she squeezed tightly and buried her face in his neck.

"A retro mutagen sample exploded, and some of it got on her skin," Donnie explained as he continued to wash her wrist. Her crying turned into hiccupping whimpers, and Donnie felt his heart drop. He hadn't meant for her to get so hurt.

"What the hell is with all of the crying?" Raph grumbled as he and the others gathered in the kitchen to see what all the commotion was about.

"Y/n has a chemical burn on her wrist," Donnie said again.

"What!?" Leo pushed past everyone and came over to the three of them. He felt anger bubble up when he saw her tear-stricken face and the burn on her wrist, it looked so bloody painful.

"I-It was a-an accident," she blubbered out between tears, the pain beginning to subside with the coolness of the water.

A conflicted look crossed Leo's face, and April tried to reassure him. "It's Donnie, Leo. He wouldn't intentionally put someone in danger. She was probably just standing too close and got hurt. There's no need to get upset."

Leo still didn't say anything. He just stayed by Y/n as Donnie finished treating her wound and wrapping up her wrist with a gauze wrap.

After doing so, they were laying in his room, him in her arms with his head buried in her neck and his wrapped around her waist.

"Still feeling bad?" She asked.

He lifted his head and held her wrapped wrist in his arm. She smiled at him and placed her hand on his cheek. She didn't have to say anything. He knew that she didn't want him to feel like it was somehow his fault because he wasn't with her.

Written Together {Leo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now