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02: Infected by your love

Tom's pov:

I lie awake, it was 1am and I couldn't get y/n off my mind. She was just so intoxicating and I felt so infected by her. The way she was so confident around me, and knew exactly what she was doing and saying. And the way she smelt, and the way she walked, the way she talked, the way she parted her hair, everything about her was just so intoxicating but I loved it.

My fellow dormmates were all asleep so I grabbed my diary from my bedside drawer. Opening up a new a page to write down my feelings about her. Pouring out all my feelings. I never intended on her finding this diary so didn't hesitate to write down the things I wanted to do to her.

She was just so confident that all I wanted to do was degrade her while she was under my touch. Wait what?! Tom Marvolo Riddle, you cannot feel this way about y/n l/n. But it's so hard to ignore my feelings when there this strong. And I know that I cannot tell anothet soul about my feelings for her. I have to remember the words i was always told.

"Don't trust anyone."

And I live by that.

Y/n's pov:

It was finally the morning. It took me awhile to fall asleep last night, I was thinking about tom the whole damn time. And I know that I was to confidant to want what I want from him. My only desire was to have him degrade me whilst under his cold touch.

I wanted him to hold so long that his hands wouldn't be cold anymore. I wanted him to love me, and I wanted more. If Tom wasn't tom, I would want him in my bed all day everyday. "Hey, y/n, get up, were gonna be late for class." Hermione said, of course she was already dressed in her robe.

I quickly hoped out of bed, and threw on my robe. Then I brushed my hair and made sure I looked presentable before walking out of the dorms with Hermione. We walked into the halls, not far from our first class. Potions.

"Long time no see." Somebody says from behind me. I turn around and see oliver wood. "Oliver, hey." I say pulling him in for a hug. "Yeah, I'm just gonna leave." Hermione said, walking away. "Don't mind her, I haven't seen you in like so long oliver. Do you wanna hang out on my free period?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you then. Goodbye y/n." He said waving and walking away. When I turned around, there he was. Tom Marvolo riddle, standing right behind me. "Uh, hi?" I say trying to walk away but he put his arm out to stop me. "Tom what do you want." I ask rolling my eyes, all i want to do is get to class.

"Don't talk to him again." He said looking me deep in the eyes. "And who are you to decide who I talk to and who I don't." I say laughing, does this guy really think he's gonna control who I talk to?

"Ms. L/n, and Mr. Riddle, what are you two doing out of class. Get to class right now. Go on." Professor snape says, saving me from this conversation. I shot Tom a glare before I started walking to class again. Once I got to class, Tom was already there. The only seat left was of course by Tom.

I rolled my eyes whilst walking over to the spot by him. This is gonna be such a fun class to take. Note the sarcasm. But a part of me kind of wanted to be by him today. We'll see how this ends I guess.

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