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11: His Journal

"That's enough for today." I quickly responded, standing up and collecting my books and diary. "Awe, is the baby tired now." He laughed, watching me collect my stuff. "I'm not a baby." I spat, turning, and walking away.

I tried to play it cool while i walked out of the library, but as soon as the library doors closed, I rushed to the Gryffindor commen room. Rushing to the girls dorms, completely ignoring everyone in the commen room.

As soon as I got to the girls dormitories, I closed the door. Looking around the room, it was once again empty. I knew that now would be the time to write in my diary. I layed out my books, mindlessly grabbing the smallest one, my diary.

As soon as I flipped the first page, something was wrong. This wasn't my hand writting. I flipped it closed, checking the front. Seeing Toms full name written in gold.

"Holy shit" I whispered to myself.

I don't know what to do. Should I read it? I dont know.

I did always wonder what he wrote about.

But he'd kill me.

But i guess he wouldn't know if I read it or not.

I flipped open the book out of pure curiosity. Reading each page, it was all so depressing. So I flipped a couple pages, my name catching my eye on a page. I read more.

Oh my god.

He wrote fantasies about me, really, really, dirty, fantasies about me. Hes such a dirty minded guy. I flipped to the most recent entry. It was made yesterday. It only talked about him pleasing me. I looked around my bed, looking for my diary too. It wasn't there.


Maybe i just left it in the library. I rushed out of the common room, just as fast as i had entered. Rushing down halls, nearly knocking into people on the way, until i was again met my the library doors. I quickly pushed them open. Tom was still sat at the desk, only with a smirk on his face this time. I stepped over to him, he eyed my body, up, and down. I took a seat ext to him, looking under his books on the table, looking around the table. 


"Looking for this, my sweet?" He questioned. I gulped when i looked at what he held in his hand. My diary. He chuckled from the sight of fear on my face. "Come with me." He demanded. Pulling me by my uniform tie. My body was too numb to try and stand up for myself. Soon we were met with the Slytherin common room door.  Whats happening right now?

Before i knew it, we were in his dorm. He slammed the door shut. Pushing me towards his bed

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