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07: Slowly

Y/n's pov:

That guy literlty drives me crazy in all the right ways, and he knew exactly what he was doing. The worst part is, he knows it worked. I walked to my commen room, these thoughts running through my head. I said the password to the lady in the painting. Entering with a confused expression on my face.

I ran up to the girls tower, opening the door. Great, there's no one here. I walked to my bed and got my diary from it's hiding spot. I began to write.

September 5th, 1984

He's done it again, it's all he ever does. One second he hates me, the next he's smirking and winking at me. It's not that I don't enjoy it, it's just a little weird. He's always hated me, up until now. I don't get it, it's not like I've changed at all since last year. What if he found out that I like him, maybe that's why he's acting alittle nicer then usual. Although i have no idea how he would've found out, but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that he can never really know that i like him, but he's just so seductive. I know he's purposely trying to seduce me, but why? Why would he want to seduce me out of the blue.

I heard the door start to open. Quickly, I snapped the diary closed, shoving it under my pillow. In walked Hermione, but with Ronald. "Oh sorry, I'll go." I said, getting up from the bed. They both nodded while grabbed my books, and papers. I walked out. Closeing the door, hopping that if their doing what i think their doing, they'll use the silencing spell, and just incase they don't. Im going to the library.

I have to study anyway. I walked to the library, not wanting to run into anybody at all. "Oh look, it's the little mudblood." Draco pointed, I rolled my eyes and kept walking. "Come on baby, give us a smile." Goyle said, i could hear their shoes tapping from behind me. I started walking closer.

Opening the doors to the library, them still behind me. I choose a table, sitting down. Hopping they'd leave, yet they didn't. They sat infront of me. "We just want a smile Mudblood." Draco refrased. "Leave me alone Malfoy." I sighed, looking behind him. I saw Tom sitting at the table behind us.

"No, the more you have us waiting, the more were gonna want from you." Draco winked, inching closer to me. "I don't have to give nor show you anything." I snapped back. He inched closer to me again. Now only inches away. "Then we'll just show ourselves." He shrugged. Just as he was about to get even closer, a voice stopped him.

"Get closer to her malfoy, and you'll get hurt." The voice said, I turned to see tom standing there, an angry look on his face. When Malfoy didn't back up, he clenched his jaw and turned to me. "Get up," He demanded. I gave him a confused look, he rolled his eyes. "Just get up, your coming with me." He grabbed my arm, i quickly grabbed the rest of my stuff as he dragged me to his table.

"Why did you do that, I can handle it myself." I stated, he rolled his eyes yet again, crossing his arms and sitting back in his chair. "You should be thanking me. He said, I rolled my eyes at him. "Well im not thanking you anytime soon, your a bitch." I said, his facial expression now completely serious. "What did you just call me, slut" He asked, jaw clenched with a serious tone.


That word going straight to my core. I could feel myself grow wet. What? No. He just called you a fucking slut, that's not supposed to make me feel good. "I-i have to go. Goodbye." I quickly said, gathering my books. I thought he said something but i wasn't sure, I didn't pay attention. I had to get as far away from him as possible if this was gonna go on.

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