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10: Partner's

Y/n's pov

Tom has been staring at me all class, I feel like he's plotting my death. Hopefully he isn't though.

"Anyways, since its nearing the end of your time with me, I would like to inform you all that I'm assigning you to a group project. I've already chosen your partners. When I call you name I want you to move to your partners desk." 0h god.

I'm really dreading showing up to class today.

"Daphne greengrass, move to Dracos desk. Ron weasley, move to Neville's desk. Luna lovegood, move to Hermione's desk. Cedric diggory, move to Cho's desk. Tom riddle, move to y/n y/l/n's desk." Wait what. No no no no no. He's walking towards me. Why is he smirking? Nevermind that, just look away.

"Well hello again, darling." He greeted. I looked up to see his body facing me. Oh god. "What do you want?" Was the only thing I could say in that moment. I wasn't thinking right. "Harsh way to great me but alright." He raised and eye brows before turning his body to the proffeser again.

This is gonna be like literal hell being partner's with him.

*Later that day*

I've been waiting in the library, for tom, for five minutes already. What the hell is he doing, if he makes me wait any longer then I'm gonna murder that cold blooded ma-

"Hello darling, sorry I'm late. Hope I'm not to late." He greeted, sitting down next to me. He placed this Journal down onto the middle of the table, placing his study books along side it. I really do wonder what he writes about in that Journal, and who he writes about.

"Are you ready to study?" He smirked at me. Scotting his chair closer to mine, he was facing directly towards me. He turned my chair so that I faced him too. I would've moved my chair back, but the stare he gave me, showed that he wanted me to stay like that. So I did.

*20 minutes later*

We've been studying for twenty minutes now, he's ready off of a book while i write down notes from my book. I felt his stare on my while I wrote. I looked up at him, only to see that he wasn't looking at my face, he was staring at the parts of my thighs that my school skirt didn't cover.

When I looked back at him, he was still looking. So I but the note book down, onto my lap. It covering the parts of skin he fancied staring at. After writting more notes, i felt his stare yet again. This time I chose to ignore it. Until I felt his dark eyes burning into me, I looked up at him. Seeing him staring at my face this time.

When he realized that I caught him, he pulled his jaw into a smirky smile, shaking his head while he looked down at my notes.

"Can I read those?" He asked. I just handed him the notes, along with tossing the pencil towards him. He looked up at me when it landed on his lap. "Are you gonna get that for me?" He asked. Is this guy serious?

"No tom, I will take that pencil off of your lap and hand it to you. You can do it yourself." I rolled my eyes. He scoffed and picked up the pencil.

"Your no fun." He said sarcastically. Quickly looking over the notes. "You spelt that wrong, darling." He said, looking over to me. He stood up, towering over me, before dropping the note book onto the table infront of me.

"You didn't spell pheasants right. So go on, erase it and start over." He commanded. "No, you do it." I handed him the pencil back. "Do it." He said sturnly. I glared at him while I grabbed the pencil. Spelling it like he said again. "Good girl." He mumbled.

My body completely froze. The sudden feeling rushing through my body. "Awe, did my words get to the little baby?" He teased with a chuckle.

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