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05: Friend's?

Tom's pov:

I couldn't get her off my mind, she's never been on my mind this much. All I want is to have her beautiful, plump, lips, smashed up against mine, I wanna feel her skin on mine, I wanna make her feel special in all the right ways. I need her to stop hating me, to let me into her life, to earn her trust. I need to be her friend. I never thought that i would be wishing these types of things, but i guess things really do change.

I just need her to love me back, and so I guess I should start changing how I act around her, I need to be nicer, show her that i truly care about her.

Y/n's pov:

"So, y/n, have any crushes?" Luna asked me, wiggling her eyebrows. "Yeah, you haven't talked about boys in like- two years." Ginny added. "That's because there are no boys that catch my eye....ok maybe one." I said, we all giggled. "Who?!" Ginny asked, rather loudly. "Shh, if I tell you, you have to promise that you won't get mad." I said, in a lower voice.

"Ok.Who is it." They both replied. "Well, you know Tom?" I asked, trying to hold back my smile. "As in Tom riddle?!" Ginny says rather loudly again. "Yeah, he's just, been on my mind all the time." I said, chuckling a bit. "It looks like he's on his way over here." Luna pointed out, I turned around to see indeed Tom approaching us.

"Hello ladies." He said in an odly friendly way. "Could i speak to you in private y/n?" He asked me, still in the friendly tone. "Psst, and why would I go anywhere with you?" I asked, making a face. "Just come on please, I need to ask you something." He grinned. "Just go y/n." Ginny whispered to me. "Fine, but you better make it quick." I stated, getting up out of my seat.

We walked out of the great hall, rather closely. He took my arm and pulled me, turning a corner with me. "So, I just wanted to ask you if maybe we could, you know..." He spoke, but seemed to hesitate a bit. "Maybe we could be friend's." He paused, stareing down at my face in search for any type of emotion. "Friends? You wanna be freinds now? Why would you wanna be friends with a stupid mudblood that you've bullied for 4 years straight, non stop Tom." I said, but deep down i did want to be friends, no, not friends, I wanted to be something more. Something way more, but he couldn't know that.

"Y/n, I'm sorry," He grabbed my hand and i surprisingly let it go on, I didn't pull my hand away from his. "All I want is to be friends with you, thats all I'm asking for, please." He asked, just then we heard footsteps, about to turn the corner. He let go of my hand quickly, just as the person turned the corner that we were in.

"Are we interrupting something?" Blaise asked. "Yeah, what are you doing with that filthy mudblood anyways." Draco spat out. "She's not a filthy m-" Tom started but i just cut him off. "It's fine, I'll just go now." I said, about to walk away from the group. "Wait y/n, please, don't go." He called, following close behind me as I walked at a quick pase, hopping he would leave me alone, but it didn't work.

"Fine, I'm done. I've tried to be nice to you, and earn your trust. But if this is how your gonna treat me then just forget it, forget I ever tried, forget I ever asked to be friends with you." He said angrily, causing me to turn around and face him. "Good, because I'd never be your friend." Fuck, what the hell am I telling him, of course I wanna be friends with him. no, I wanna be more then friends.

"Good," He paused and hesitated for a moment before walking away, leaving me alone again, well that is until I heard chuckling from behind me.

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