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08: Safety?

I'm finally back in my dorm, where i can take a breather. I always run in here when I need to feel safe, but is it really safety that I feel? Or is it the warm feeling that I'm finally alone again. Is it that I can finally write down my feels in my diary again?

Tom's pov:

I have no clue why she left. Did i upset her? No, i shouldn't care. I reached out, grabbing my journal. Opening it and grabbing my quill.

September 5th, 1984

I don't know how much longer I'll have to wait for this. I know its gonna be a long wait, until I can hold her in my arms and call her mine. And I'm not gonna lie and say that I'm willing to wait how ever long she wants me to, because i won't. I'll make her love me, I'll make her love me so much that she won't even think about any other boy ever again. I'll be all she needs. Forever, I'll touch her better then any other man could. I'd treat her better then any other man could. I'd fuck her harder then any other man could. I'd make her come faster then any other man could. Then once were done, I'll treat her like the Queen she is, my Queen. No body else's to touch, or even to look at.

"Hey Tom." Avery greeted, walking over to my table and sitting across from me. "Writting in your diary about that girl again?" He smirked. Catching me off gaurd. "What? What girl?" I spat harsly, closing my journal quickly. Not even bothering to correct him that its a journal.

"I dont know. Your always smirking or grinning when you write in it, and you only do that when you see a girl that catches your eye... Which isn't very often actually." He held his smirk. How the fuck did he know that much about me. I never told him anything like that. Not even anything remotely close to that.

"So, your not saying anything. Does that mean you were writting about her?" He raised his eye brows. "What? No, no one is on my mind nor in this diary." I felt embarrassed that I was caught. "So if I some how got that diary into my hands, i wouldn't see anything about any girls?" He grinned when I didn't respond.

"It's not a diary." I spat, shoving the journal into my uniform pocket. "Ok, sorry sir." He jokingly remarked. This kid isn't worth anymore of my time. I walked away, exiting the library. Still able to smell y/n's scent in the air. I guess it was a bit strange that i was the only one able to sniff it out. But again, she is the only thing I ever think about.

I just wish she was mine already. Suddenly i felt myself bump into somebody. I loved down to see her sister, Hermione. "Watch it, Mudblood." I spat. Turning away, continuing my path to the slytherin commen room.

I sat in a chair by the open fire, imagining a day where y/n could be right here with me, sitting on my lap, with her head on my chest. Slowly drifting off to a deep sleep, while I admire her. She's gorgeous no matter what she does. I just wish I wouldn't have to imagine these things anymore.

I wish my wishes would come true, but I know that they will soon, just not soon enough for me.

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