Training For The Sports Festival

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Izuku teleported to the town of Silver Hills. Tommy had told him to meet him there at the Silver Guardians HQ for some reason.

When he reached the building he saw Tommy outside waiting for him.

"Alright Tommy why did you want me to come all the way out here again?" asked Izuku.

"I brought you here to train with a legendary Ranger team. I think you know which one it is. Two of them are the leaders of the Silver Guardians and they offered to let you train with them in one of their state of the art training rooms. Come on, let's go inside" said Tommy.

They went inside the large building and headed upstairs and entered a large room of some sort.

It looks something like this:

They entered the room and the door closed behind them

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They entered the room and the door closed behind them. Suddenly, 6 people landed in front of them.

 Suddenly, 6 people landed in front of them

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Izuku Yagi: The Green RangerWhere stories live. Discover now