Third Rounds

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Izuku was on his way to the arena for his fight against Shoto.

"Hey, Izuku" said a voice.

He turned around to see two familiar people standing there: Endeavor and his son, Touya Todoroki, also known as Blue Inferno.

This is what Touya looks like in this, except he has white hair:

This is what Touya looks like in this, except he has white hair:

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"Uncle Enji! Touya! It's been a while!" said Izuku.

(A/N In this universe Endeavor is and always has been a loving husband and father. Shoto and Shoka are just bad kids)

"Yeah. We know you're gonna be up against Shoto in the next match, so we just wanted to wish you good luck. Especially since Shoto said he's not gonna go easy on you" said Touya.

'Of course he isn't' said Izuku in his head.

"Well I appreciate it guys. Anyways, I gotta go fight him now. Bye" said Izuku before heading off to the arena.

When Izuku entered the arena he saw Shoto at the other end glaring at him.

"For our next match, we have Izuku Yagi vs Shoto Todoroki! The son of the number one hero vs the son of the number two hero!" shouted Mic through the speaker.

"I'm going to end you" said Shoto.

"In front of all these people? I doubt it. You're just trying to scare me off, Shoto. Well guess what? Those tricks don't work on me anymore. I'm done being afraid of you and the others" said Izuku.

Shoto just growled.

"And... begin!" shouted Midnight.

Shoto immediately jumped at Izuku using full cowl as white and red lighting appeared around his body. He then fired ice from his right side while in midair, but Izuku rolled out of the way at the last second.

"It's Morphin' Time" said Izuku as he pulled out his Morpher.

"DRAGON ZORD!" shouted Izuku as he turned into the Green Ranger.

"Let's do this" said Izuku as he pulled out his dagger.

Shoto fired a blast of fire at Izuku, but Izuku played his tune again and shielded himself from the fire as he ran at Shoto.

He then swung the dagger at Todoroki and cut a tear in his jumpsuit, making Todoroki more angry.

Izuku smirked under his helmet "I'm just as strong as you- URK!" but then Shoto grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the ground.

Izuku Yagi: The Green RangerWhere stories live. Discover now