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20 years later...

Izuku now had the perfect life. On the night of Class 3-A's graduation party, he proposed to Ochako and she immediately said yes. Not long after that, they found out Ochako was pregnant with twins. And nine months later, a bouncing baby boy and girl came into the world. The boy's name was Tommy Oliver and the girl's name was Kimberly Oliver. Tommy looked just like his father, but with his mother's hair color. Kimberly looked just like her mother, but with her father's hair color.

James and Sasha also got married and had a kid around the same time Izuku and Ochako did. Their daughter's name was Trini Kwan-Oliver, named after her late grandmother.

Ben and Momo also became a couple shortly after Lord Drakkon's defeat. They are now also married and have a kid. Kaminari and Jiro also got married and had a child, so did Kirishima and Mina, as well as Tokoyami and Tsu, and Ojiro and Toru, and so did Iida and Mei.

Izumi was adopted by the Oliver family after the fight and now goes by Izumi Oliver, and Kimberly was thrilled to have a daughter. Izumi also hooked up with Sero after she recovered from her injury, and now they're married and have a kid.

Most of the UA students went back to being normal hero students after the battle, but they still held on to their morphers just in case.

As for the original Power Rangers. Most of them retired after a decade or so, as well did most of the other Ranger teams. Tommy retired and gave his chain of martial arts dojos to James, while Kimberly retired and gave her chain of gymnastics centers to Ochako.

Billy eventually moved on from Trini's death and fell in love with a man whom he eventually married. Sasha was overjoyed to have two parents again.

As for the new team of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. Sadly, they don't work together as much anymore, since most of them live in different parts of the country now. Izuku and Ochako still fight alongside Iida a lot, even though he gave up being the Blue Ranger and became Ingenium a few years after Drakkon's defeat, he gave his Blue Ranger Power Coin and morpher to his daughter. They also still fight alongside James and Sasha, but not so much with Kirishima and Tokoyami.

But how is Izuku doing now? Everything else is perfect. He's the #1 ranked hero and Power Ranger. After Drakkon's defeat, Izuku revealed to the public that he really was quirkless and explained how the Power Rangers and Morphing Grid worked. There were still many anti-quirkless bigots after that, but Izuku and the other Rangers hunted them down and arrested them before they could do anything violent. Mirio is the number #2 pro hero and is a teacher at UA. He and Izuku fight alongside each other many times. Tenko is also in the top ten pro heroes. The public once hated him, now they love him as the Black Dino Thunder Ranger. He's also a teacher at UA.

And now Izuku has a loving family. He has a mom, dad, and brother who took him in, a badass cousin, a redeemed sister, a beautiful wife, and three beautiful children.

Ochako, with the help of Izuku and the other Rangers, was able to earn more than enough money for her parents so they could live easily.

Tommy and Kimberly (Izuku's kids I mean. I'll just call them Tom and Kim) were both diagnosed as quirkless when they were four, but that didn't bother them or their family. When they were teenagers, they enrolled in the Ranger program that UA has now. A program that partners UA with SPD, also known as Space Patrol Delta. Tom was now the new Green SPD Ranger, while Kim was the new Pink SPD Ranger. As for Eri, she's now the new SPD Omega Ranger, since they found a way to link Eri's quirk to her Omega morpher. Kota and two kids Izuku and his class eventually met named Katsuma and Mahoro are also Power Rangers now.

Now, Izuku and Ochako were on their way to visit Tommy and Kimberly at their home. When they arrived they were greeted by the old couple sitting on the front porch.

"Well, if it isn't the greatest Ranger ever to exist" Tommy said with a smirk.

"If it isn't the man who made me that way" Izuku said.

Suddenly, an SPD vehicle pulled up to the house. Eri stepped out of it, along with Tom and Kim. All three in SPD uniforms.

"Kids!" said Izuku and Ochako.

"Dad! Mom!" said Eri, Kim, and Tom.

"You three are getting so big" Kimberly said.

After that, Izuku and his family all had dinner together inside the house.

"So how's Ranger training going, kids?" Ochako asked.

"Good. Commander Tate's a great leader. He and Bridge have been helping us become the best Rangers possible" said Tom.

"Speaking of Bridge. Did he go back in time yet to see me and grandpa?" Izuku asked.

"Yep. He told us all about it when he got back" said Kim.

James, Sasha, Trini, Tenko, Izumi, Sero, and their child also arrived.

"Hey, everyone!" Izumi said.

Izuku took a moment to reflect on his life as he sat there with his family. He had gone from being hated and beaten by his former family and friends and having no powers at all, to having the greatest family ever and the greatest powers ever. He had one thing to say:

And that's the story of the man once known as Izuku Yagi, now known as Izuku Oliver: the Mighty Morphin' Green Ranger

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And that's the story of the man once known as Izuku Yagi, now known as Izuku Oliver: the Mighty Morphin' Green Ranger.

At least that's his story... so far.

One year later...

Izuku, Ochako, James, Kirishima, Iida, Tokoyami, and Sasha all ran through the battlefield in their Ranger suits and with their weapons. They fought their way through multiple robots and enemy soldiers while trying not to kill them. They then saw a Megazord battling a giant evil robot. There was an explosion and everything went black.

After the battle was over, Izuku held Ochako in his arms. Unsure if she was dead or not.

"Oh poor, poor Green Ranger" said a familiar voice.

Izuku looked up and saw none other than Lord Drakkon standing there.

"You couldn't even save your pathetic wife. I'm going to enjoy killing you and the rest of your family" Drakkon said.

Izuku pulled out his sword and swung at Drakkon while screaming in rage.

And that's it for this book! But Izuku's journey isn't over yet. I'm gonna be releasing a sequel soon. This one will be more dark and serious. It will be based off the 2017 Power Rangers movie, but better. See you then.

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