Ranger/Zord Training

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Izuku had just gotten his Green Ranger powers, and he was ready to learn how to use them. He was currently with Tommy in the forest.

"Alright Izuku we're here cuz you're gonna learn how to use your Green Ranger abilities. So morph up" said Tommy.

Izuku took out his Morpher. "It's Morphing time!" he shouted.

"DRAGON ZORD!" shouted Izuku.

"Ok now what?" asked Izuku who was now the Green Ranger.

"Well now we're gonna fight" said Tommy with a smirk on his face.

"WAIT WHAT?!" said Izuku.

"That's right. You need to be ready for anything, including fighting someone just as powerful as yourself" said Tommy as he pulled out his Master Morpher.

"TIGER ZORD!" he shouted.

He was then the Mighty Morphing White Ranger.

He was then the Mighty Morphing White Ranger

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"Whoa!" said Izuku in disbelief.

Tommy then charged at Izuku and swung at him with Saba, but Izuku pulled out the Dragon Dagger and blocked it.

Izuku shoved Tommy off with his Dagger, then swung at him with it, but Tommy just blocked it with Saba. Izuku did a karate kick in the air, but Tommy ducked under it, then kicked Izuku a few feet back.

Tommy then fired a few blasts of energy at Izuku with Saba. But then, in a split second reaction, Izuku blew into the Dragon Dagger through his helmet and played it like a flute, although it sounded like a horn, and a force field appeared in front of him, shielding him from the blasts.

"Impressive. You knew to go right for the Dragon Dagger and use it to increase the protection of your chest piece" said Tommy.

"Yeah. I've done my research on almost every pro hero, including you and the other Rangers. I've always wondered how you were able to play this thing like a flute, even though it sounds like a horn, and how you were able to play it through the helmet which was covering your mouth up" said Izuku looking at the Dragon Dagger.

"Yeah, even I don't really know how it's able to do that. But it can do a lot more too, but we'll get to that later. Now let's see if you can handle fighting my other 4 Ranger forms" said Tommy.

"Wait wha-"

"ZEO RANGER 5! RED!" shouted Tommy as he morphed into the Red Zeo Ranger.

After that Izuku fought Tommy in all his other Ranger forms, he fought him as the Red Zeo Ranger, the Red Turbo Ranger, and the Black Dino Thunder Ranger.

After a little while Izuku and Tommy unmorphed and sat down to catch their breath.

"You did good today, kid. I'm proud of you" said Tommy.

Izuku Yagi: The Green RangerWhere stories live. Discover now