The Mall Incident

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Izuku and the others were chatting in class, excited to go to the training camp. Kaminari, Mina, Kirishima, Sato, and Sero were all upset because they failed the training, but then Aizawa explained that they would still be going to the camp, but they would be doing even more hard work.

"Hey, guys, you know what we should do? We should go shopping at the mall for camping stuff!" said Mina.

"Alright let's do it!" said Izuku.

After that they all went to the mall, they brought Eri with them too, since she was gonna be coming with them to the camp.

All the other students left to go shopping, leaving Izuku alone with Ochako and Eri.

"Alright, Izuku. Me and Eri are gonna get some bug spray. You coming with us?" asked Ochako.

"I got some other stuff I need to go shopping for. We'll meet back here in half an hour" said Izuku.

After that Ochako and Eri left, leaving Izuku by himself. He was about to go shopping, when all of a sudden he felt a hand around his neck. He turned his head to see a person wearing a black hoodie holding him by the neck.

"Well hello there. You're Izuku Yagi, right?" said the person.

"That's not my name anymore. I'm Izuku Oliver now" said Izuku.

"My mistake. But you're becoming quite a celebrity now, aren't you? You took down Stain all by yourself, and now the whole world's taken pity on you because of your abusive family" said the man.

"Yeah who are you again?" asked Izuku.

"Oh you know who I am. We've met before" said the man.

Izuku realized the man was Tomura Shigaraki.

"You!" said Izuku as he reached for his Morpher.

"Don't even think about turning into a Power Ranger. I'll disintegrate your throat if you try" Shigaraki threatened.

"In front of all these people? The pros will come and arrest you then" said Izuku.

"Sure. But it'll take a few minutes for them to arrive. How many people do you think I'll be able to kill before they get here, huh?" said Shigaraki.

Izuku knew he was right. One wrong move and a lot of innocent people would die.

"What do you want?" asked Izuku.

"I just wanna talk. Now let's find some place to sit" said Shigaraki.

After that they sat on a nearby bench.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" asked Izuku.

"You and I aren't so different" said Shigaraki.

"You're kidding me, right?" said Izuku.

"No it's true. I also grew up in a shitty household like you. My father abused me, all because I wanted to be a hero" said Shigaraki.

"You wanted to be a hero?" said Izuku in disbelief.

"As crazy as it sounds, yes. Me and my sister wanted to be heroes like our grandmother was. But our father hates heroes and hated our grandmother, all because she put him up for adoption when he was a kid" said Shigaraki.

"Why would she do that?" asked Izuku.

"To keep him and her safe. She was fighting a villain known as All For One, and she didn't want to put him in danger" said Shigaraki.

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