The next day was training. All of Class 1-A and Class 1-B were each doing various exercises to improve their quirks. Izuku, James, Sasha, Ben, and Kylie's training was that they were all sparring against one another, both on the ground, and with their Zords. Shinso's training was that he was doing various vocal exercises. Everyone else's training was the same as in the show.
Kota was watching Izuku and the others from behind a tree.
"Hi!" said a voice.
He turned around to see Eri standing there.
"What do you want?" asked Kota.
"I just wanted to see what you were doing" said Eri.
"I'm just watching these people. Now leave me alone" said Kota.
"Those two are my mom and dad!" said Eri pointing to Izuku and Ochako.
"They're only teenagers, and you look nothing like either of them" said Kota.
"They're adopting me! My daddy saved me from a very bad man, and now he and my mommy are gonna be adopting me soon!" said Eri.
"Uh-huh" said Kota.
"Hey wanna be friends?" asked Eri.
"Sure I guess" said Kota.
"Yay!" said Eri as she hugged him, which made Kota blush.
Meanwhile, Mandalay, Pixe-Bob, Ragdoll, and Tiger were watching the whole thing and smiled.
"He's growing up so fast" said Mandalay.
Later that night the students ate dinner.
"Hey, Oliver, Sasha, Kylie, and Collins, I gotta question for you all" said Mina.
"What is it?" asked James.
"How come all your quirks are similar to Izuku's? It seems too big of a coincidence that every single Power Ranger seems to have the same quirk" said Mina.
"Well you see, some Rangers quirks work in a way that they can transfer Morphing Grid energy to other people, which allows them to be able to turn into Power Rangers. My dad recently retired, and he passed on his ability to transform into the Red Time Force Ranger to someone else. Tate I think his name is? But anyways, that's how some Rangers work" said Ben.
Izuku then noticed Kota walking into the forest, and he decided to follow him while carrying his plate of food.
He followed the boy up to a cliff, overlooking the forest.
"What do you want?" asked Kota.
Izuku was surprised that Kota knew he was following him.
"Your parents were Water Hose, weren't they?" asked Izuku.
"How did you know?" asked Kota.
"Lucky guess" said Izuku.
"They were idiots. They went and sacrificed themselves and left me all alone, but everyone thinks that what they did was heroic" said Kota.
"At least you had kind and loving parents. My parents treated me like garbage, and so did my sister and her friends" said Izuku.
"Yeah I know. I saw the thing on the news. I know your parents were All Might and Green Magnet" said Kota.
"Well I just wanted to say that you shouldn't take things for granted. You should be grateful that they loved you and that you have people taking care of you who also love you" said Izuku.
"You finished?" asked Kota.
"Yeah. I'm finished" said Izuku as he put his plate of food down on the ground in front of Kota.
"In case you're hungry" said Izuku before leaving.
Thanks for reading.

Izuku Yagi: The Green Ranger
FanfictionIzuku Yagi had a great life. His Dad was the number one hero All Might, his Mom was the number 5 hero Green Magnet, and his twin sister Izumi Yagi was his best friend. But then when they went to the quirk doctor everything changed. Izumi got a super...