One night in Hosu City, Shigaraki and Kurogiri decided to unleash 3 new Nomus onto the town. During this, Stain went and tried to kill a hero by the name of Native during the chaos. He was about to finish him off, when suddenly...
"Stop right there, you murderer!" said Iida, who was standing behind Stain.
"Ah. Just the man I was looking for" said Stain as he turned to face Iida.
Meanwhile in America...
Izuku was practicing his karate moves in the training room at Justin's hero agency, when his phone got a text message. He looked at it to see that it was a video sent by Iida.
"That's odd. It's nighttime over in Japan. Why would Iida send me a video at that time?" said Izuku to himself.
He played the video to see... The Hero Killer Stain.
"WHAT THE?!" said Izuku.
"Hello, Green Ranger. You probably know who I am. I'm here in Hosu City with a friend of yours" said Stain as he moved the phone to show... Iida lying on the ground bleeding out.
"Oh no..." said Izuku in horror.
"If you ever wanna see him alive, come to this alleyway in Hosu City in one hour. I've already texted you the location. If you don't come soon... you're friend will die. Tick tock, you fake hero" said Stain.
"IZUKU, DON'T COME! IT'S A TRAP!!!" screamed Iida, but then the video stopped.
Izuku gritted his teeth in anger.
He then went to Justin's office. "Justin, we have a problem" said Izuku.
"What is it?" asked Justin.
Izuku then showed him the video.
"I don't get it though. Why would he think you're a fake hero? You're one of the most heroic people I know" said Justin.
"I don't know. He seems to think every hero is a fake" said Izuku.
"But why would he be after you in particular?" said Justin.
"It doesn't matter right now! The clock is ticking for Iida!" said Izuku.
"You're right. We'll teleport over to Japan to go save your friend. It's Morphin' Time!" said Justin as he and Izuku pulled out their Morphers.
"SHIFT INTO TURBO!" shouted Justin.
"DRAGON ZORD!" shouted Izuku.
After that they teleported to Hosu City where they saw fire everywhere, and 3 Nomus attacking the city.
"This doesn't look good. I'll help the other pros deal with this mess. Izuku, you go help your friend" said Justin.
Izuku rushed to the location Stain sent him. He entered an alleyway where he saw Iida, as well as another pro hero, injured and bleeding.
"Iida! Are you ok?!" asked Izuku as he rushed over to his friend.
"Don't! It's trap! Behind you!" said Iida.
Stain stood behind Izuku and was about to swing his sword down on him, but Izuku quickly turned around, pulled out the Dragon Dagger, and blocked it.
"You'll pay for what you did to my friend, you bastard!" said Izuku as he shoved Stain off.
"And you will pay for being a fake hero!" said Stain as he threw one of his swords at Izuku, but Izuku caught it by the handle.
"I'm not a fake hero. I'm here to make the world a better place" said Izuku as he stabbed Stain's sword into the ground.

Izuku Yagi: The Green Ranger
FanfictionIzuku Yagi had a great life. His Dad was the number one hero All Might, his Mom was the number 5 hero Green Magnet, and his twin sister Izumi Yagi was his best friend. But then when they went to the quirk doctor everything changed. Izumi got a super...