After the Sports Festival the class went back to the dorms and threw a party. Izumi, the Bakugo twins, and the Todoroki twins, didn't show up to it though, Iida didn't either, since he left earlier near the end of the Sports Festival for some weird reason.
During the party Izuku and Ochako walked over to Eri.
"Hey Eri, guess what? Me and Ochako are dating now. So now she really is your mommy" said Izuku.
"Yay!" said Eri as she hugged Ochako, who hugged her back.
"Also Ochako, there's something I need to talk to you about something in private real quick" said Izuku.
"Sure" said Ochako.
After that they headed outside, when they were out there they ran into All Might.
"Give your Green Ranger powers to Izumi so she can become the number one hero" said All Might.
"Go fuck yourself" said Izuku as he and Ochako walked away.
After that they went to the roof of the school.
"Ok so why are we here?" asked Ochako.
"Take my hand, Ochako" said Izuku.
Ochako took his hand. "Ok. Now what?" asked Ochako.
Izuku activated his watch, and the next thing Ochako knew, they were in the Command Center.
"What the?! Where are we?!" asked Ochako.
"You are in the Command Center, young Ochako" said a voice.
Ochako turned around to see Zordon.
"WHAT THE?!?!" screamed Ochako.
"Calm down, Ochako. This is Zordon. He's this inter-dimensional being caught in a time warp" said Izuku.
"A what caught in a what?!" said Ochako.
"It's alright, Ochako. Calm down" said Kimberly as she, the other Rangers, and Alpha stepped out of the shadows.
"Kimberly? Tommy? Izuku, what's going on here?" asked Ochako.
"You and I have been teleported to the Command Center in America. This is the base of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" explained Luke.
"We were teleported here to their base?!" asked Ochako.
"Yeah" said Izuku.
"But how is that even possible?! And what does this have to do with me?!" asked Ochako.
"I want you to take my place, Ochako... as the next Pink Ranger" said Kimberly.
"WHAT?!" said Ochako in disbelief.
"Yeah. Me and the other Rangers are retiring soon. It's why Izuku's taken Tommy's place as the new Green Ranger" said Kimberly.
"But wait how would I take your place? I don't have the quirk to turn into a Power Ranger" said Ochako.
"That's the thing, Ochako. The Power Rangers aren't really the work of quirks. They're all quirkless... and so am I" said Izuku.
"Wait seriously?!" said Ochako.
"Yeah. But Zordon saw the potential in us and recruited us in the fight against evil. He recruited me about a year ago" said Izuku.

Izuku Yagi: The Green Ranger
FanfictionIzuku Yagi had a great life. His Dad was the number one hero All Might, his Mom was the number 5 hero Green Magnet, and his twin sister Izumi Yagi was his best friend. But then when they went to the quirk doctor everything changed. Izumi got a super...