Putting The Team Together

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"You did?! Where is she?!" Izuku asked.

"She's on the Moon. We picked up some strange energy waves coming from there, and we saw her there through the Viewing Globe" said Kimberly.

"Let's go get her, then!" said Izuku.

"It's not that simple. We believe she's still under the control of the Green Psycho Ranger. She could be incredibly powerful and dangerous. The only way to stop her is to fight fire with fire, or in other words... fight a Green Ranger with other Green Rangers" said Tommy.

"What do you mean?" asked Izuku.

"I've contacted every other Green Ranger here on Earth to help us fight Izumi. Plus a few others. I'm also gonna be joining you" said Tommy.

"But how? The only Green Ranger you've ever been is the Mighty Morphing one. And that's currently my form, Dad" said Izuku.

"Zordon and Ninjor found a way to temporarily duplicate the Green Ranger power coin and morpher, so we'll both be Mighty Morphin Green. Now let's start planning the attack" said Tommy.

A few days later...

Izuku and Tommy arrived at a plane hangar on the outskirts of Japan, where Adam, Trip, a bunch of other guys, and one girl the same age as Izuku were.

"Izuku, you already know Adam and Trip. They're gonna be going as the Green Zeo Ranger, and the Green Time Force Ranger" said Tommy.

"Good to see you again, Izuku" said Adam.

"Hey, Green-Hair Buddy!" said Trip.

"This is Carlos Valerte, I told you about him before. He's mainly the Black Space Ranger, but for this mission he's gonna be going back to the Green Turbo Ranger" said Tommy.

"Nice to meet you, Izuku" said Carlos.

"I thought the Space Rangers were away on a secret mission" said Izuku.

"I was allowed to take a temporary leave of absence to help you save your sister" said Carlos.

"This is Damon Henderson. He's the Green Lost Galaxy Ranger" said Tommy.

"Hey, kid" said Damon.

"The guy in the cowboy hat is Joel Rawlings. He's the Green Lightspeed Rescue Ranger" said Tommy.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Izuku" said Joel as he tipped his hat off.

"This is Cameron Watanabe. He's the Green Samurai Ranger for the Ninja Storm Rangers" said Tommy.

"Nice to meet you, Izuku. You can just call me Cam" said Cam.

"This is Xander Bly. He's the Green Mystic Forge Ranger" said Tommy.

"Cheers, mate" said Xander.

"This is Mike. He's the Green Samurai Ranger for the Samurai Power Rangers" said Tommy.

"S'up, Izuku" said Mike.

"This is Jake Holling. Green Super Megaforce Ranger. As well as the Black Megaforce Ranger occasionally" said Tommy.

"Nice to meet you, kid" said Jake.

"This is Izzy Garcia. Green Dino Fury Ranger. She's a part of the newest Ranger team" said Tommy.

"Hi, Izuku!" said Izzy.

"This is Ziggy Grover. He's the Green RPM Ranger" said Tommy.

"Hey, Izuku" said Ziggy.

"And this is Riley Griffin. Green Dino Charge Ranger" said Tommy.

"Nice to meet you, Izuku" said Riley.

Izuku Yagi: The Green RangerWhere stories live. Discover now