First Day of Interships

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A few days later, Izuku packed his things and got ready to go to America to train with Justin. But first he needed to say goodbye to Ochako and Eri.

"Alright, Eri. Me and Mommy are gonna be gone for a few days. Until we get back, Aizawa's gonna look after you, ok?" said Izuku.

"Ok, Daddy" said Eri.

After that, Izuku teleported to America. When he got there he went to a town near Angel Grove where Justin's hero agency was. It was a 5-story building with a garage.

It looks like this, except it has the Power Ranger Turbo symbol on the side:

It looks like this, except it has the Power Ranger Turbo symbol on the side:

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When Izuku entered he walked over to the receptionist desk.

"Hi, my name is Izuku Yagi. I'm here to intern with the Blue Turbo Ranger" said Izuku.

"Ah yes. Mr. Stewart is expecting you. He's waiting for you in his office on the top floor. Just head over to the elevator and it'll take you up there" said the receptionist pointing to the elevator.

"Thanks" said Izuku before going into the elevator and going up to the top floor.

When he got to the top floor he entered Justin's office, where he saw Justin sitting at his desk looking at a framed photograph.

When he got to the top floor he entered Justin's office, where he saw Justin sitting at his desk looking at a framed photograph

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"Hello, sir" said Izuku.

"Kid, you can just call me Justin, it's fine" said Justin as he put the photo down and stood up.

"So what are we gonna do first?" asked Izuku.

"We're gonna go out on patrol. But first we better morph" said Justin as he took out his Morpher.

"You got it" said Izuku as he took out his.

"SHIFT INTO TURBO!" shouted Justin.

"DRAGON ZORD!" shouted Izuku.

The two were then in Power Ranger form.

"Alright. Let's roll" said Justin.

After that the two went out on patrol together. While they were out, they didn't run into too much trouble. They stopped a guy who was trying to steel an old lady's purse, got a cat out of a tree, and that was pretty much it. They were about to head back to the agency, when suddenly they heard an explosion way off in the distance. They rushed to the scene where they saw a giant villain going on a rampage. The villain was about the same size as the Nomu from the USJ.

"This doesn't look good. Izuku get the civilians to safety. I'll deal with this punk" said Justin as he summoned his Turbo-Hand-Blasters and went to go fight the villain.

Izuku went and got the civilians to safety. He was about to head back and help Justin, when he saw a little boy standing in front of a building crying, he then saw that a large chunk of the building was about to fall on to the kid, but Izuku dashed forward and grabbed the kid and moved him out of the way just in time. He then brought the kid back to his parents.

"You saved our son! Thank you!" said the boy's father.

"Thank you, Mr. Green Ranger!" said the boy.

"Just doing my job" said Izuku before heading back to help Justin, who had noticed what Izuku had done.

"You did good there, kid" said Justin.

"Thanks. Now let's take this guy down!" said Izuku as he pulled out the Dragon Dagger.

"You'll never defeat me, heroes!" shouted the villain.

"If I had a nickel for ever time I heard that" said Justin before firing his blasters at the villain, stunning him for a few seconds before Izuku finished him off with his dagger.

After that, the cops arrested the villain and the crowd cheered for Izuku and Justin. It was on the news too.


All Might was in his home, watching the news of Izuku's and Justin's triumph on TV.

"I'm here with the Blue and Green Rangers who single handedly defeated the villain who was attacking the downtown area. Tell me, what was it like when you two were fighting the villain?" asked the news woman.

"It wasn't easy. But we managed to take him down and make sure there were no civilian casualties" said Justin.

"And what about you, Green Ranger? How does it feel to be one of the most popular heroes in training?" asked the news woman.

"It feels great! I hope to become one the best heroes there is when I graduate" said Izuku.

All Might gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"This kid! He's going places!" said Justin placing his hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"RAAAAGH!!!!!" screamed All Might as he ripped the TV off the wall and threw it out the window.

"I'll order another one" said Inko who had just witnessed the whole thing.

All Might then pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

Meanwhile in Hosu...

Stain was standing on the roof of a building when his phone started ringing.

"Yes?" he said.

"It's me. You need to kill him as soon as possible" said All Might.

"Don't worry. I've already got the perfect bait to lure him out" said Stain as he looked down on the streets to see Iida on patrol with another hero.

Thx for reading. You probably know what's gonna happen next.

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