Chapter 5: Escape from Parthevia

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The Next day Natsu and gang woke up only for him to realize he ain't laying on the kid's stomach anymore as the arrow tattooed kid is driving the Bison.

Natsu then went to the kid and found out he was going the wrong way.

Aang: (smiling with glee) Hi I'm Aang and I wanna go riding Hog Monkeys...

Natsu then bonks Aang in the head and turns the Bison around to the direction of Balbadd.

Aang: (furious) HEY MAN!!!!

Natsu: (pissed) Shut up kid we're going to Balbadd.

Alibaba: (nervous) I know we are trying to go to Balbadd, but next time don't bonk the poor kid's head.

Aang: (annoyed) Yeah listen to the blonde guy.

Natsu: (grunting) Sorry and thanks for saving me two times.

Aang: (muttering) You're Welcome.

The whole gang then starts riding all the way to Balbadd, but as they do a bunch of Black Humanoid Robots equipped with jetpacks and equiped with disruptor pistols started to shoot the gang and the Bison down.

Aang: (yelling with fear) Appa NO!!

Alibaba: (raging Angrily) DAMN IT!!!! AREOBOTS!!!!

Natsu: (roaring Angrily) FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!

Natsu then inhaled so hard that he puffed up his cheeks and then exhaled hordes of raging flames out of his mouth at the Areobots.

The Areobots then after getting burned then fell down to the ground and exploded.

Aang noticed Natsu breathing fire out of his mouth and had a look of fear and anger.

As Natsu was finished Aang then attacked Natsu with rapid wind that he controlled with his hands.


Natsu: (outraged) NO I'M NOT I'M A DRAGONSLAYER!!!!

Aang: (glum and dull) That's nice.

Natsu: (with a smile) Do you want a cookie.

Aang then bonks Natsu in the head with a staff to make Natsu shut up.

Suddenly a missile almost hit the gang like a speedy bullet going faster than the speed of sound.

Aang, Natsu, Aliaba, Aladdin and Morgiana then looked down from Appa and saw a bunch of Parthevian Soldiers launch these missiles at them from missile trucks. Then a bunch of Parthevian Soldiers then got out Artillery Guns to shoot at Appa (the Bison) who is roaring in agony.

Aang: (confused) Who are they?

Natsu: (Grumpy) Soldiers of the Parthevian Empire, allies of the Fire Nation.

Aang: (annoyed) I guess you pissed them off.

Aladdin: (embarrassed) We helped out a bunch of Earthbenders enter Cistephon.

Alibaba: (grumpy) Yes we did and now the daughters of the Rulers of the Princely States of the Empire got their asses kicked by us and now the whole Empire is after us.

Natsu: (Irritated) Yeah and they still would have done this to us since they are allied with the Eggman Empire and Fire Nation.

Aang: (shocked) Wait a minute, The Fire Nation is also against you too?

Natsu: (smiling) Yeah because they and the Kou Empire and Parthevia Empire are best friends with the Eggman Empire and Koopa Empire which means they hate smashers like me.

Ultimate Adventures: کتاب 1: Sunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن