Chapter 14: The Plan

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Outside of Sindria, 200 miles east from the Island, there is a dreadnought moving in the waters of the calm sea. The Dreadnought moves like a fierce shark ready to prey on it's opponents as it slowly creates small tides in the water. The Dreadnought is a vast ship, it is an Empire Class ship of the Eggman Empire. The reason it is an Empire Class Ship of Eggman's navy is because it has the appearance of the Bismark battleship.

The cannons of the ship point into the air in a fierce looking defense mode as they stay alert looking for intruders trying to pirate the ship. The crewmen, soldiers of the Eggman Empire walk on the ship as they hold their guns as they are ready to shoot anyone trying to get on the ship. Their gray trenchcoats move like flags to the crisp winds of the sea as their dark grey masks camouflage with the dark of the night making them look like headless ghosts. The flaps of the soldiers blow in the flow of the trench coats which wave in the wind.

Inside of the ship is the young man known as Judar. A man who is known to be the evil Dragonslayer Apprentice of Acnologia the Apocalypse Dragon. Judar's red eyes stared at the sea with a fierce glare. He knew that he would have to plan an invasion of Delfino Plaza to fight Natsu again. Judar then turns on a communication lacrama which shows Mecha Sonic.

Judar: Report

Mecha Sonic: Sir, we have a problem, the operation to kidnap the Avatar failed.

Judar: Well then, come back to me so we can discuss how we are going to invade Sindria.

Mecha Sonic: Not possible, Sindria is too strong for an invasion.

Judar: Oh right they have Natsu.

Mecha Sonic: Yes and they also have familias who would also cause us trouble.

Judar: (roars furiously) You arse we can crush them like puny ants. There's no way they can be that powerful.

Mecha Sonic: Some of the Adventurers are really powerful, including Bell Cranell the little rookie who went up to Level 4 in 12 weeks and the legendary Sword Princess.

Judar: (snorts with laughter) Bell, the ass of Natsu's family is a powerful member. Ha ha how cute.

Mecha Sonic: No I'm serious I heard people say that about him.

Judar: What do they say?

Mecha Sonic: They say that he had defeated the Apollo Familia and finished off the Black Goliath, a powerful dungeon boss that only the Loki Familia and Freya Familia could finish off and they drained the energy of their whole familia to do it.

Judar: Damn it, anyone else.

Mecha Sonic: There was Ais Wallenstein of the Loki Familia, the future king of Balbadd Alibaba Saluja, his wife a fanalis named Morgiana, a Magi, Welf of House Crozzo, the most powerful blacksmith nobles in all of Ratshika (city state on an Island bordering Sindria), The Takemizuchi Familia from the Kina Kingdom, the Machi familia, the Loki Familia and Natsu with Mushroom Squad members Aladdin and Yamraiha.

Judar: Whoah that's a lot of people that were powerful.

Mecha Sonic: There are more, but I am not a guy who likes to bore people like you.

Judar: I see, however I hear your private soldiers the Robot Sonic troopers got their asses handed to them.

Mecha Sonic: Yes, but they are getting repared as we speak.

Judar: Good, you did well even though you failed to capture the Avatar.

Mecha Sonic: Thank you, anything else you want me to do?

Judar: Yes, help my friends in the Cranefish Town colony put down an Earthbender rebellion.

Mecha Sonic: Yes sir.

Ultimate Adventures: کتاب 1: Sunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن