Chapter 8: Search for Aang

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The gang had split up to find Aang so they can find him easier and return to Sindria, however the hard thing was that they had to search throughout all of Balbadd city.

Natsu and FM54321 were in one team.

SMG4 and Mario were in team two (they need to obviously be together because of Mario's behavior)

Sonic and Xbox997 were in team three

Alibaba and Morgiana were in team three

Aladdin then ran back to check on Appa to see if he was okay and behaving well.

After that the teams then split apart and then ran through the city to find Aang.

Natsu hoped with his heart they find the kid before anything bad happens to him, because the kid is the Avatar who is the most powerful smasher in the world.

If he was killed then there would be no hope for the world and his kind will be extinct.

Worst of all, Natsu would have ditched his savior who saved him from a rough spot.

FM54321: Yo Natsu, You okay?

Natsu: Yes I am.

FM54321: You seem a little worried.

Natsu: Yes, because I'm scared about the kid.

FM54321: Look I know he's Important and had saved you, but that's no reason to be fixated on him to the point you worry about his safety.

Natsu: Oh right.

FM54321: Never mind lets go.

So the two started to run through the city calling for Aang and asking locals if they have seen a young boy with a bald head and arrow tattoos.

However the locals had not seen him or were too pre-occupied with having to deal with being ruled by a tyrantical militaristic dictator to care.

Natsu: Well, we just have to look for him without help.

FM54321: Damn it

So the two companions decided to do that.

SMG4 and Mario were having more of a hard time dealing with this search because of Mario not focusing and acting retarded to attack and scare people to the irritation of SMG4.

SMG4: Ugh, Mario

Mario: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SMG4: Mario shut up and continue, because your scaring people.

Mario: No.

SMG4: Ugh, damn it.

So the two decided to quit due to Mario assaulting people for Spaghetti. A bunch of Mobians and Merpeople then screamed when Mario assaulted them.

Sonic and Xbox997 were able to successfully search for Aang without problem due to them taking the easy route by going through areas with dead corpses.

Even though it was easy, it was too bitter, disgusting and sad to see frightning corpses laying around with faces of fear rotting away. The faces of men, women and children still with faces of fear.

Sonic: Man we got the sad sickening easy route.

Xbox997: Yeah, which is why we prefer to stay at Sindria during times of war.

Sonic: Good idea because I would not want to live my life having to deal with this again.

Xbox997: What do you mean?

Sonic: My people on South Island kill people like that. Which is why I quit them and started being a smasher.

Xbox997: Oh

Ultimate Adventures: کتاب 1: Sunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن