Chapter 6: Sayer Saved My Life

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I woke up at night. The view from the window was absolutely beautiful; I could see so many illuminated buildings from where I was. I couldn't exactly remember how I'd arrived in that room, but I felt really happy. My arm was stinging and burning to no end, and it was bandaged, and I was pretty sure it was bleeding, but that was fine. It'd be healed soon. I had no need to worry about anything.

"Oh, Sleeping Beauty's finally woken up!" a young voice exclaimed beside my bed. "Rise and shine, roommate."

"Liquid, give her a chance to breathe, would you?"

I stretched, but the scars on my arm were hurting again. Oh well. It didn't really matter, anyway, now that I was here. Although, I didn't quite know why it didn't matter. Nevertheless, it felt good not to worry about it.

"She can breathe just fine, Okita."

"I don't want you overwhelming her when she's only just waking up. Remember, she was put through a lot of testing, so she must be exhausted."

"Yeah, yeah..."

The two boys chatting in front of me looked to be around my age. One of them had a pair of small glasses with smooth, brown hair that was neatly brushed and carefully styled, while the other boy had blonde, somewhat spiked hair that was well-brushed. Both of them wore the same uniform. I had to admit, it looked very nice. Something about it brought a smile to my face.

"Hello," I said, accidentally yawning. "Whoops. Um, nice to meet you."

The blonde boy smiled at me. "Nice to meet you too," he told me. "My name's Liquid. The nerd's Okita. We're your roommates. Welcome to the Arcadia Movement!"

Okita, who was standing up straight with a sort of polite poise, nodded to me politely, a small smile on his own face as well. "Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you." I hadn't noticed before, but he has a slight British... no, not British. It was more specific than that. Some kind of United Kingdom accent, but I couldn't place my finger on which one.

"Um... Arcadia Movement?" I crossed my legs and sat up on the bed I'd been laying in, tilting my head at Liquid.

"Correct," Okita spoke up. "A movement of people gathered to help hone their psychic abilities in duels."

"...psychic abilities?"

"Yeah," Liquid took over with a grin. "Everyone in the Arcadia Movement has psychic abilities. If you're here, Sayer must've sensed some strong powers in you that he felt you'd need to hone to help yourself grow stronger."

I sat up a bit straighter, taking in the new information. "So... I'm strong? I'm... a psychic duelist?"

"Yep! Welcome aboard!"

Okita chuckled as I examined my hands, expecting something to happen when I extended them in front of me. "You must not have been aware of your powers up until now. That's quite alright. We'll help you as you go along," he told me. "We can start with a duel, if you'd like."

I winced. The idea of a duel scared me, for some reason. My hands, which I'd reached out before, instinctively moved to hug my arms. "I... I can't duel..." I muttered. "I'm a bad duelist..."

That's right... I remembered. Ironically, I remembered that I was an amnesiac, and that someone found me out in the street somewhere. I was all beaten up, but I had a few important things on me, like a Duel Disk. There were some gaps in my memory, but from what I understood, I'd gotten involved in some kind of... was it a crash? There were some strangers involved, and it was a dangerous situation...

...I had little bits and pieces of my memory, though, from before I was rescued. The voices of people telling me I was a bad duelist, the understanding that I don't deserve to live because I'm bad at dueling...

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