Chapter 17: I'm Scared... (I'm Saved...)

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(TW: THIS MIGHT BE HEAVY TOO JUST SAYIN; Lots of emotions and heavy feels and stuff including manipulation, gaslighting, threats, etc. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNEDDDDDDD)


It hurt. It hurt so much when I clawed my way back into consciousness. When I heard Yusei's voice, I clung to it so hard that it hurt. When he told me he believed in me, I couldn't help believing that he really, really did.

Every ounce of me was in pain as I fought Sayer for control of my own mind. Everything came crashing around me with all of the memories I had of him being so... cruel, when I didn't even realize that it shouldn't have hurt so much.

You can't fight.

I have to.

You know what'll happen to them if you do.

I can't do nothing anymore. I need him.

He will bring you nothing but trouble.

That's all I've ever been, though, isn't it?

And, for the first time in that entire duel, despite the pounding in my head, and the aching in my heart, and the trembling of my entire body, I opened my eyes to the road flying past me, wind whipping in my hair, and my newly drawn Rainbow Kuriboh in hand.

o ~ o ~ o ~ o

Sylvia: 6
Yusei: 6

There was something different in her eyes that time. Yusei would've tried to come closer, but he couldn't risk it, even with their Speed Counters remaining the same. They were still in the middle of a duel, and it was Sylvia's turn.

Except... She turned around to look at him, eyes wide, and, to Yusei's relief, clear cerulean.

She glanced down at the card she'd drawn--Rainbow Kuriboh, Yusei made out from his current position, and she didn't make any move to hide it. Instead, she added it to her hand and...

"...I end my turn."

She passed her turn. Yusei was surprised at what she did. Was she throwing the match away? Or...

No, sometimes passing a turn could be a tactical play. Yusei couldn't let down his guard, not even when Sylvia seemed like herself. He had to win going all out, or else it wasn't a victory at all.

With strengthened determination, Yusei drew his card. "I draw!"

Sylvia seemed to smile painfully, from where she was, and pulled just a little ahead of Yusei. In that smile, Yusei saw sadness, helplessness, and longing. The further she pulled away from him, the further Yusei was from being able to reach her.

That's just how the situation was, wasn't it? So close within sight, to the point that Yusei could probably even reach out and touch her, and yet he was so close to losing her at the same time.

Sylvia: 7
Yusei: 7

From the beginning of the duel, Yusei still had two cards face-down. Imperial Iron Wall was still structured behind Sylvia, blocking his view of her, and blocking her Crimson Pixie from going into her Canvases. One, of course, was Scrap-Iron Scarecrow.

The other would be what allowed him to win the duel in this turn.

"First off," Yusei began, taking the card he'd just drawn and activating it on his Duel Disk. "I'd like to summon my second copy of Speed Warrior!"

Speed Warrior appeared on the field, looking... exactly the same as the first one, frankly, and striking the exact same poses before it began its skating animation.

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