Chapter 13: And Then I Woke Up At Home

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(TW: Emotional and very very sad and afraid and I'm projecting on this so hard omg there will be lots of tears and self-hate read at your own discretion.)

((also yes the chapter is titled from a john mulaney quote it fits don't judge me))


It was the first time I'd been in one, but I found myself resting in a strange-looking healing pod. The liquid surrounding my body was meant for healing purposes. I'd seen stronger duelists recovering this way from difficult duels, and I'd heard it worked wonders for the mental state.

I was surprised to find Sayer watching over me in the tank. He had a smile on his face when I opened my eyes. A deceptively gentle smile.

In his presence, I had to lie, and play dumb. I had to pretend as though I was still loyal to the Arcadia Movement. If I didn't, I'd have hell to pay.

"How are you feeling?" Sayer asked me. "You were quite dazed during your duel, and it seems it took a toll on you later on, as well."

I moved my hand to touch my head, to see if it still hurt. It did, a little. So I told him that. "My head hurts just a bit," I lamented to him. "But... I think I'm alright now. Thank you for letting me rest."

"Of course," Sayer said easily. "After all, I need you at one-hundred percent for tomorrow."

"T... Tomorrow, sir?"

"Don't you remember? You have the semifinals tomorrow. And you opponent will be none other than Akiza herself," he sang, almost as though it was the best possible outcome. "It will be a match to remember."

"A match for the ages," I agreed. "One that'll gather plenty of attention for the Arcadia Movement. And then... people will come and join, right?"

"Precisely," he beamed. "You're such a good little protégé, you know that?"

"A-am I?" I winced. "I'm sorry, I guess... I just don't feel like it. I didn't really... win that match..."

Sayer shrugged. "That's alright. You'll simply have to show your power during this one. Show to the world that you really do deserve to be on the stage."

"S-Sayer, if I lose this match... Then there won't be an Arcadia Movement Turbo Duelist representative," I added. "W-what then?"

"Well, then of course you'll have to keep training. After all, your power will be unlocked soon."

Boy, he didn't know how "soon" that'd be.

"Now, Sylvia, you simply focus on resting. I look forward to your duel with Akiza being an interesting one."

With that, I slipped back into my unconscious mind and, for the time being, allowed myself a moment to finally rest.

Luna... So we were really friends back then? Did Luna and I live far away from one another?

Just what was my past?

o ~ o ~ o ~ o

I woke up later that day feeling physically rejuvenated, but emotionally drained. Upon leaving the regeneration pod and drying myself, I realized my eyes were dry and most likely puffy from tears in my sleep. Now I had perpetual sniffles which I was sure would last the rest of the day.

Whatever nightmare I had, I didn't remember it. I scoffed.

No surprise there. It wouldn't be the first time I'd forgotten something important and impactful.

To top it off, Akiza was in the room next-door, getting her own regenerative treatment. I revealed myself to her too soon and now she was probably going to ignore me for the rest of my time in the Movement.

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