Chapter 7: Unfortunate Fortune

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Where are you? Where did you go?

I'm worried for you.

I'll save you!

I'll find you, I promise!

Is it really worth it?

Please be alright!

Did she just abandon me? Forget about me, just like her past?

I know you're still alive! I'm putting my trust in you!

Friends are either abandoned or the ones doing the abandoning. She's probably left you.

I haven't forgotten you!

Are you really missing, or did you leave me behind?

I don't know whose words or thoughts those were. They weren't mine, but they echoed in my head for days on end. They only got the loudest when I woke up in a regeneration pod, wondering who that was and why they felt so close to me.

It was vague, and I might've dreamt it, but I could hear a woman speaking to Sayer. "She's made contact with the Spirit World."

"So she really isn't as useless as I thought. And the effect of her brainwashing?"

"It's beginning to wear off, sir."

"She's susceptible to my psychic brainwashing for this long... Even her own cards haven't snapped her out of it."

"Yes. However, the process may be expedited by wearing a psychic control device."

"I see. Then we should avoid making her wear the control device, then."

"Yes sir." A pause. "Sayer, the subject seems to have regained consciousness."

"How much has she heard?"

"She may have heard most of the conversation, but it's unlikely she'll remember it in her state. She is currently between worlds."

"Good. Ensure no one finds out that she isn't a psychic duelist."

"Yes sir."

There was some kind of swimming between reality and fantasy going on in my mind. Sometimes, I heard Sayer's voice as someone else's, or I heard Sayer's voice saying things that the other voice would've said. My sense of reality began to slip again, and I fell unconscious once more.

Although it might seem like what I heard was perfect evidence to get me to turn on Sayer, I want to make it clear that I was half-asleep, so I can't even be sure if it really happened or not. My memory of it was incredibly fuzzy, and some of their words could be wrong. However, there was no denying that this was the growth of a seed of doubt in my mind about Sayer's actions.

I didn't even know the true purpose of the Arcadia Movement until it had entirely disbanded.

The next time I woke up, I was in the infirmary. I couldn't tell how much time had passed, but I woke up alone. No one was visiting me, no one was waiting...

No one was waiting.

Of course they couldn't wait. I wasn't worth it, and they were busy.

No, think rationally. It's most likely the latter than the former.

There was no one else in the room. Actually, looking around, I realized I wasn't in the main room of the infirmary. Based on the colors of the walls and the equipment around, it was still the infirmary, but...

No other beds besides my own, a wide window to look out at how high off the ground I was holy cow--And it wasn't long before my eyes landed on the side table right next to my bed, where my Duel Disk, deck, and a plain white envelop were laying, waiting for me to take.

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