Chapter 10: Spiritual Truth

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Sylvia had stopped responding for a good five minutes. Yusei could see her slouch, the daze in her eyes as she looked past the ground, like she wasn't quite there.

The Professor was saying something to her. She drew the top five cards of her deck and sent them to the Graveyard, revealed a sixth, and added it to her hand. The Weather Painter Sun.

But after that... more of just nothing. Yusei didn't understand. What was going on? Why was Sylvia just gone like that?

Greiger was watching the television as well. "Is she going to make a move or something? I was under the impression that she's a skilled Duelist."

"Of course she is," Yusei bit back, a little angrier than he meant. "She's... not usually like this."

Was something wrong?

o ~ o ~ o ~ o

"Ready, Echo?"


"Haha! See! Just like that! Just for now, at least. You tend to repeat what we say a lot, so I figured until you remember your name, I'd just call you Echo!"


Worthless. Terrible duelist. How could you possibly think you were any good? You'll get destroyed again, just like you always had been. You're worthless; your deck is worthless. If you really think you can win using these dinky, overly complicated cards, then you'd better give up on your dreams of being a Turbo Duelist.

"Yusei! I want you to meet someone! I think she's a Turbo Duelist too, from the City!"

"Oh? So what brings her to the Satellite, then?" What're you doing here? Why are you bothering me with this? Why should I care?


"I'm sorry... Sorry..."


"S-sorry. No, I... I should leave. I'm sorry. I..."

I don't deserve what I have.

Burden. You're a burden, Sylvia. A burden.


"Well, well, well... we've got ourselves a pretty little lady, it seems, heh?"

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't know this place was taken..."

"What's the rush? You're the one who's trespassin', after all. You won't be gettin' outta here in one piece 'less you can duel your way out."

"I-I can't... I can't duel...--"

"There's no need to lie, little lady. We see the Duel Disk on your arm."

"N-no, really, I can't--"

"C'mon, it's just a little card game, heh heh heh..."

"She said she can't."


From that memory, I moved on to the next. Voices played on fast-forward in my head, both the ones that were in my head at the time, and the ones that had been spoken to me aloud.


"Huh. Guess there're even some sensible people in Sector Security, huh?"

"A duel's a duel. Every respectable duelist has to follow the terms of one, after all."

"I wouldn't call him a 'duelist,' per se. But for a dog in a position of power, he knows how to take a loss well."

"I-isn't that a little..." harsh?

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