Chapter 21: Escape

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" 'Known for their experimentations on psychic duelists, the Arcadia Movement is seen as a generally unsafe place to be'," Carly read aloud from her blue notebook. " 'Some have been seen entering the building and never returned, others were reported missing before they were spotted on the streets in Arcadia uniforms...' A-ha! 'Known profiles within the Movement! Akiza Izinski, Sylvia Reviar...' Wh... wait..." Carly frowned at the image she turned the page to. "Misty? Like, the ultra-famous supermodel Misty? What connection does she have to the Movement?"

She had met Misty once before, at a party meant to "clear up" Jack's past. Thinking about Jack now was painful, though, after he destroyed her camera's SD card and told her to stay out of his business. He'd said he wanted to keep her safe, but it hurt, and she was losing her grip on the truth, her one connection to him.

That's why she chased down this information, tracked it down as far as it could possibly take her. And those two pink-haired girls, Akiza and Sylvia... They were both in the tournament as well. Sylvia had even made it to the finals before meeting her defeat at Yusei's hands.

There had always been something odd about that girl, anyway. And if she could use her one time meeting Misty to her advantage...

Carly reprogrammed her GPS after looking up Misty's apartment building on the phone and set off in her mini-van.

I have to know the truth. What's Jack got himself into?

o ~ o ~ o ~ o

Tanner and the old man had woken up, as Trudge could tell by the sound of it. Tanner was quick on the uptake and was filling in the old man on what was up.

"Their plan from the get-go was to kidnap us," he told him.

"But why us?"

"Well, it's less-so us and more likely Luna."

"So does that mean they want to use the Signers for something?"

"Dunno. But if they're after Luna, then we're in danger. They'll do something bad to us if we stay here. They did the same thing to Sylvia, remember?"

"The girl who's trapped here, right? Yusei said something about her friends being brainwashed, I remember..."

"They're most likely being used as hostages so that she listens to what they have to say. If we want to avoid having the same happen to us, we can't sit around and wait for them to come find us. Let's think of some ways to escape from here."

Good man, Trudge thought. Tanner seems to have a decent head on his shoulders.

Just as Tanner had finished off his conversation with the old man, his agent started conversing as well.

"There you are," the voice of the man in charge said. Trudge should've picked up on his name.

"Sir," his agent said.

"I need you to escort Liquid and Okita down here. The meeting will begin soon and I don't want their brainwashing to wear off just yet."

"Understood, sir."

"I'll give you access to the top floor."

Wait, that's brilliant! When he's up there, he can get to Sylvia! Trudge's heart leaped into his throat. This better fucking work.

"Thank you, sir. Is there anything else you need me to do?"

"That'll be all. Continue your training when you're done."

"Understood, sir."

"Sayer," another voice said from behind, growing quieter as the steady footsteps of his agent began again. He stopped around the corner, though, just far enough away for the mic to pick it up. Trudge had to put the bug close to his ear to be able to hear it properly. "What are you planning to do with Leo?"

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