Chapter 23: The Healing Process

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Two weeks passed with no change in neither Akiza nor Sylvia. Within two days, the two boys Sylvia had rescued with the power of her Mark were able to wake up and after only a week, they recovered miraculously from their injuries. The doctors were confused, but Jack knew it was because of their psychic abilities. It took a toll on their minds, from the sound of it, because they complained of headaches for two days in a row, but after healing each other with their monsters and their cards and abilities, they were completely fine after a day's rest.

Frankly, Jack didn't know nor care why Sylvia felt they were important enough to save, only that she saved them and apparently cared enough to risk her life for them. So the least he could do was be civil with them and explain the legend of the Signers, which they seemed to be painfully uninformed of.

Makes sense, he supposed. Arcadia Movement sheltering them and brainwashing and all.

But Sylvia didn't wake up. Not from their words, not from Jack's or Leo's, and even not from Luna's words.

Still, the boys insisted on staying by her side. They called it guilt. It was a shit excuse, in Jack's opinion. If they were brainwashed, then that's that. They're not at fault for what they did.

But the boys didn't seem to think so, so he left them to it. Akiza, on the other hand, was completely closed off from anyone. Jack remembered something along the lines of Sylvia being her only known friend, and she was currently out of commission.

Both of them had gone through severe trauma, the doctors had said. They wouldn't wake up for a long, long time at this rate, and they recommended bringing people close to them to provide company until they woke up. Luna had mentioned something about being childhood friends, except that Sylvia had forgotten. Akiza's parents arrived at the hospital, too, desperately clinging to their daughter in hopes to wake her up, yet she never did.

Four Signers in one place: Jack, Luna, Akiza, and Sylvia. Only one was missing from their full set.

"We're still missing one from our roster," Jack told everyone before he left for the Satellite that day. "One piece is missing from the puzzle--just the piece that we need."

Leo and Luna had given him a strange look, but Luna was quicker on the uptake than her brother. Jack assured Akiza's parents that he'd do whatever it took to wake her up, he knew just the man who could.

Akiza's father, a congressman, insisted on going to find him, so Jack gave Crow a call to find where he'd stowed Yusei away for recovery, although he had a feeling he knew where regardless of his answer. Better safe than sorry, though.

As he'd thought, Yusei was at Martha's place. He gave him the address and sent him off, meanwhile hovering round Sylvia's room for gods-knew what reason.

Jack remembered her. She was a Turbo Duelist, the girl who accompanied Yusei when he broke out of Satellite. He hadn't recognised her back then, because he'd never met her. He never knew her, nor did he think Yusei knew her very well, either. She was strange in that way. Far too pink for his liking, and small and breakable in almost every sense of the word.

Yet those injuries, that Mark, and those friends of hers at least counted for something. There had to be more to her than met the eye, he knew. She was intriguing. A wimp, perhaps, but somehow intriguing nonetheless. And it's rare for Jack to find someone intriguing.

His mind briefly flashed to Carly, and he shook her out of his thoughts. She... she didn't make it. He'd found her broken glasses in the rubble, and she didn't make it. There was no point in dwelling on the dead, as much as he wished he could've changed that fate.

No point...

He needed to clear his head. The girl wouldn't suddenly wake up whilst he was gone, and she had two doting babysitters at her side, clad in Arcadia Uniforms because that's all they had on them, their only belongings besides their Duel Disks and decks. They'd taken to living in the hospital because they had no homes now. Jack was almost tempted to ask where their parents had gone, but if he wanted to keep secrets then they could keep theirs too. It wasn't his business.

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