Chapter 1

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                                                               "sufferance is the badge of all our tribe" - Merchant of Venice (Act 1, Scene 3)

"Aadhya, wait! It's your turn to clean the house today. The maids are not to come for another two days. It is of my least care that whether you are late for your college or not."Aadhya's mother said. She knew that Aadhya had woken up late that day, She knew that it was Aadhya's college fest that day in which Aadhya had to manage everything, yet she wanted complete work from Aadhya. It was always like this, either Aadhya's father would scold her for getting up late and not making his perfect spice tea or Aadhya's grandmother would scold her for wearing those flimsy slim-fit jeans or Aadhya's grandfather would lecture her for not making breakfast or Aadhya's uncle would smirk seeing her state.

Aadhya sighed and then gave a tired smile to her mother, tied her hair into a high bun so that her waist-length hair does not disturb her during her work, and then took up the mop and started working. Half-an-hour later when her work was finally completed, she finally fixed her appearance, slung her purse on her shoulders, give a smile to her family, and proceeded towards her college, and in return, she just got the disgusting looks of her family, who were still not satisfied with her work.

Aadhya Agarwal was 25, she belonged to a rich Rajput family. She had taken up teaching college students as her profession instead of sitting at home and learning perfect dishes to please her "future in-laws" as her family had advised her and therefore, her family had refused to waste any money on her profession. It was Aadhya who had studied with her own savings and now, was proudly working as a history professor in the most reputed college of Rajasthan. Aadhya, however, had no complaints with her family, whatsoever. She believed that her family wanted her to be completely independent, and therefore she had no grudges with them.

Little did she know that her family was not as caring as they showed to be.

Upon reaching the college, she hurriedly left behind her bag in the teacher's room and went ahead to look after the preparation. The fest area was beautifully decorated. In the fest area, long balloons hung on every counter and the people were energetic. The whole area seemed to be filled with happy spirits, soft music was being played on a large jukebox. The area was decorated. The only preparation left was the one concerning the chief guest. Surprisingly, even though she was invigilating the area, she had not been informed of the chief guest. The college committee believed that she was a good invigilator and a good organizer only if she could organize a fest without knowing the personal taste of the chief guest. Therefore, she had prepared a somber and sufficient taste that would satisfy every important guest. 

The fest was going on in full swing. People were enjoying themselves thoroughly and there was hustle and bustle everywhere. The boys were roaming about trying their hands at every fighting game present while the girls busied themselves with the jewelry stalls. The food stalls were overflowing with the population. However, Aadhya was tensed enormously. The chief guest was to arrive at any time. Soon, a black limo was seen outside the fest ground. A lady richly dressed and old with age came down gracefully from the car. As soon as she removed her RayBan's, Aadhya was shocked. It was Maharani Laxmi Vanraj Rathore, the lady head of the most respected family of Rajasthan.

I am very bad at cliffhangers but I wanted to try one, so here it is! ;)

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