Chapter 12

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Vanessa Pov:
       I touched my hair and my dress. My mother ordered me to cut my hair short and wear a white dress, the dress I was wearing before I left the forest.

'It took years to make it grow that tall but she cut it'

    I am right here to the hill near the Witches Forest. The place where it all started, the place where I realized he is dear to me.

I looked around and saw the improvement of this place, there are more flowers than before. The atmosphere is still the same, peaceful and quiet. I felt my tears started rushing again, so I closed my eyes as all the memories start coming back to my mind.

'I wonder if I met him first, is he going to choose me?'

I sighed as I wipe my tears away, I saw Rouge sat on my lap and stared at me.

"Hey Rouge? Do you think you can help me get rid of this?", my cat just stared at me.

"Haha, I know that you can't help me with this", I said and he rubbed his head on my belly.

"Vanessa!!!!", I heard a familliar voice.

"I might just hearing things, because of how much I miss him and hurt I am"

"I-I f-finally caught y-y-you", I felt a hand touched my shoulders. I turned around too see, and I'm not seeing things, or hearing things, he is really there. Catching his breath.

"Why are you here? You are supposed to be on your wedding?", I asked him.

"I'm here because of you"

"What do you mean by that? Your father might be angry at you right now, and also...", I paused.

'Your bride is waiting for you'

"I ran away", he said. I was shocked when I heard those lines from him.

'What? Why?'

"Did you come here because you are here to ask me why I didn't come? I already explained that to you", I said.

"You can still fix this, go back there and redeem yourself", I pushed him away but he didn't budge.

"W-why? Why do you want me to go back?", he asked.

"Because of your family, your duty, and the woman you love", I said still trying to push him away. I felt my tears starting to fall again, but I composed my self and stopped it.

His head is still looking down and starts to walk forward, I quickly backed away. Another step, another step until he stopped and grabbed my hand. The next thing I knew is...

He kissed me on my lips and pulled me closer. I was still in shock, but I finally regained my composure and pushed him away.

I felt my foot slipped and I fall from the hill.


I closed my eyes because I knew I was falling down but I didn't.

"Be careful", I heard his voice, and with that my tears finally fall.

We are at the foot of the hill where the different flowers bloomed.

"W-why? Why would you come for me? Why do you keep making it hard for me to move on", I said as he put me down.

"I know this might sound crazy but, I love you Vanessa", he said. As I felt his arms hugged me.

"I haven't realized this for a long time, but I love you and I can't bear to lose you. When my family isn't there when I needed them the most, you are there for me. The time we spend together are the times where I'm happy and content, being with you is enough for me. I don't give a damn about the status, I don't give a damn about the wealth of my family, the only thing that matters to me now is you", he said and he kissed my forehead.

"I'm thankful that I met you", he said. I smiled and hugged him back.

"I'm also thankful that I met you, even if I am not the perfect girl you are looking for", I said.

He broke the hug and wiped my tears. Then I felt his lips on mine, and I kissed him back. The kiss is gentle, and you can feel his emotions that I am sharing with him.

He broke away and catched his breath, he is probably tired finding me.

"HAHAHAH you suck", I said.

"Good for you, I haven't recovered from my fatigue earlier.", he said.

"Okay, let's go back to the tree, and take a rest", I said. He held my hand as we climbed up again.

"You cutted your hair?", he asked.

"Yeah, my mother ordered it.", I said.

"You took years to make that grow, it's a waste", he said.

"I know", I said and sighed.

"But it suits you, and it reminds me of the day captain brought you to the hide out", he said.

"You think so?"


"Thay days when I was a womanizer and an asshole", he said. I just laughed at him because it's true.

Those days that I spent with you, every hardships I we overcome, those days that is calm and joyful. Together with our friends, you and I will become stronger, and our bond will never break. No matter what happens I'll be with you, till death do us apart.

A/n: So this is the end, I'm sorry if the ending is bad. But thank you for supporting this story, I finished this becausr I ran out of idea plus I have my priorities in school. If I fail my parents would probably kick me out of the house, anyway love ya all. 

                         - your lazyass author,

                                                    Seira F.

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