Chapter 8

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Finral's POV:

3 days passed since I left the Black Bulls, and stay at hour house. I am still not used to this even if I grew up at this house, I still feel homesick and everytime I woke up I always yell a greeting even if I am the only one on the dining area.

'I miss them now'.

And as for Ms. Finesse, we've been hanging out and preparing to our wedding together. Actually I am planning to bring her favorite flowers today. Everything is good for the both of us.

'But the fact that...'

I sighed, and buried my head on my pillow. I was trying to fall asleep when I heared a knock on my door.

"Yes? Who is it?", I sat up and opened the door.

It's one of our maids.

"Finral-sama, your father asked if you have other people you want to invite on your wedding? And he told me that the tailor will be here to get your body size for your suit.", she said.

'Invite...Aha! Yes! The black bulls'

"Tell him that I am inviting the black bulls, and okay I will get ready", I said and smiled.

I closed the door and went to my bathroom. I soaked on the hot water and start scrubbing my body.

'I can see them, for the last time...I want them to see my success, and laugh with them even for the last time.'

I finished taking a bath and went downstairs and eat my breakfast. After that I went to my father's office to ask him personally my request earlier.

"Good Morning Father, I am here to talk about my request for the invitations of my wedding"

"I heard it earlier, and why do you want that full of ruffians squad to attend?"

"I want them to attend because it will be the last time I can talk to them and I want them to see my success. Can you fulfill this? Even as my birthday present", I asked sincerely.

"I understand, okay I'm sending them the invitation"

"Thank you father, thank you for understanding", I said and bowed my head.

"The tailor is here, he's on the living room waiting for you."

"Okay, I'm leaving", I said and went downstairs.

When I went downstairs, the tailor is there waiting for me. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Good Morning Mr. Roulacase"

"Good Morning too, Mr. Helcurt"

"Let's start so we can finish early, and there's no need to be formal around me", he said.

'Oh god, thanks'

"Okay and you can cut the formalities too, call me Finral.
Mr. Roulacase is so formal I am not used to it"

"I understand, Finral"

He took his list and his tape measure and started.

"You seem happy with your marriage, Finral", he said.

"Yes I do..I think?"

"But I can sense a feeling of guilt and sadness on your voice? It's not like I have the right to talk but is there something that bothering you or someone?", he asked and that hit me.

'Yes I am.. yes, I have'

"You think so? But I think you're right", I said and didn't talk.

"Love can't be measured, and loving someone can be painful but once you overcome the challenges it will pay off. And you can tell that you love someone is when you look at her eyes and can't look away, like you are willing to be tied up with her, even if the world end you won't let her go, you are willing to give up everything just for her. And stay with her even if it's her last breathe and the one you are willing to give up your life", I heard him say.

'He's right, his words have sense'

"Say Helcurt-san, is it possible to love two people at the same time?"

"Hmm...I think not. It means you love the other one, and the other one is like you admire her or you have something for her in the past."

"Oh I see"

"Alright, were finished. I am leaving now Finral."

"Thank you Helcurt-san. Take care"

I sighed and went upstairs and continued to do the paperworks father gave me.
I will go out in town and buy Ms. Finesse her favorite flowers.

~After an hour of doing shit~

I finished the papers and went to town using my portal to buy. After I finished buying the flowers, I noticed a shop selling liquors and noticed a familliar item.

"How much is this?", I asked and paid.

Then, I went to Ms. Finesse and gave her the flowers.

"Good Morning Ms. Finesse"

"Good Morning Finral-kun"

"I brought your favorite flowers, as always"

"Thank you would you like to have some tea with me?", she asked.

"Sure", I said and smiled.

She served me and we sat on their garden.

"I'm excited and looking forward to our wedding", she said and drank her tea.

I remained silent while sipping my cup of tea and trying to feel myself.

"Hm, I'm looking forward on seeing you on your wedding dress---", I said and looked at her...

I tried to imagine her wearing a wedding dress but I..

"----Vanessa..", I saw Vanessa wearing a bridal gown..

"Who is Vanessa?"

Then I am back to reality, I am hallucinating and seeing Ms. Finesse as Vanessa..oh shit.

"I mean, Ms. Finesse. I remembered someone, a really close.. f-friend.. of ..mine.", I said and continued sipping my tea to hide my sadness.

"Oh I see, she must be really important to you, is she from the black bulls?", she asked

"Yes she is"

"I can't wait to meet her", she said and drank her tea.

After that I walked in to my portal and went straight to the bar counter drink the wine I brought earlier.

I heard some footsteps coming from behind.

"What are you doing here, Finral-niisan"


"Oh? And why is that? And that's Vanessa's favorite wine your drinking"

I glared at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", he asked

Why am I pissed off? And JEALOUS suddenly? Is this because he knew Vanessa's favorite wine?

"Why do you know that?",I asked him.

"We went out this past 2 days and drink. I noticed that she always order that there"

'WAIT WHAT!? They went out this past  days?!!! And how did he managed to ask her outt!!!'

"What?!", I asked him.

"I said we went out this past 2 days---"

"I already know that but hoe did you manage to ask her out?", I cut him off and asked him calmly.

"I just did, and why do you care? Are you perphaps...jealous of me?", he said and smirked.

'The audacity of this ..'

"No, not at all. I'm just worried for my 'friend'. She's my bestfriend afterall", I said and smiled at him, trying to hide my irritation.

"Oh I see. Are you worried that I am gonna do something bad to her?"

I remained quiet. I drank the last glass of my drink and decided to went upstairs.

"I'm going to sleep. Good night, Langris".

I'm pissed of right now or maybe this is because of the drink I drank. Nah, nevermind that. I'll just go to sleep to get ready for tomorrow.

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