Chapter 6

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Finral's pov: 

Everyone is now exausted and tired. I think some of them wants to go to bed right now.

"Hey let's end this party, I know everyone wants to rest cause it's also late", I said while holding my head. I'm drunk already but I am still sane.


"Yea! I'm sleepy"

"M-my s-sister Marie"

"Good night Finral-senpai"

Other's went upstairs and Captain is on the bathroom. Then I noticed a sleeping figure on the floor, it's Vanessa. She's godamn drunk and can't even manage to bring herself on her room. I sighed and picked her up, she's light but the problem is I don't know how long can I hold on..I'm starting to lose my senses.

I opened a portal and entered it. It's on Vanessa's room. I quickly put her on her bed and held my head.. My mind is starting to become clearer.

"Mmmh~~danchou?", I heard Vanessa mumbled.

I felt a pang on my chest because of what I heared.

"Danchou~~ did you know that? My heart really hurts right now??", she said. I looked at her and I'm shocked to see her, crying.

"I can't hold this anymore, no matter how I try, no matter how I hide, no matter how I try to forget. I-I love Finral, and I'll always end up falling in love with him, again and again.", she said.
My eyes widen, but my head hurts.

'Did I just hear it right? S-she loves me?'

'No! No! No! She's drunk so she basically don't have the idea what she's talking about right now'

But what is this feeling that I am also hoping that what she said is true? I shaked my head and looke back at her. I took of her hat and placed the blanket on her.

I'm staring at her face, then her eyes opened and out gazes met.


"What a nice dream, I am seeing Finral staring at me", she said and touched my cheeks."Even if this is a dream, he is still handsome as always", she said and smiled. I felt my cheeks heat up.

'Hey you're not dreaming! I am Finral!'

"This is a dream, so it's fine if I do this", she said and sat up. She grabbed my collar and kissed me on the lips. It's the first time I kissed her, her lips is so soft. Even if I can still taste the booze from her tongue, I can't help it. I kissed back and pulled her closer to me, I'm not sane anymore! I'm drowning because of her kisses.

I am able to control my body and I know it's wrong but I never felt liked this before. I flirted many girls but I never felt this sensation to any one of them. My body's losing it's control and I'm losing my sanity.

Vanessa's arms is wrapped around my neck now and her fingers are playing with my hair. I pulled her even closer, like I don't want to let her go. We let go of the kiss because we ran out of air. She placed her forehead on top of mine, still panting. When we recovered I did the first move, I kissed her and she kissed back. Unlike, from what we shared earlier, our kisses went deeper.

I layed her down to the bed without breaking the kiss. I slid my leg between her thighs and I heared her do some soft moan. She let go, and grinned. The next thing I knew is she's on top of me now, she leaned closer and kissed me again. The kiss took longer than earlier, and right now I can feel her fingers ran from my nose, to my lips, to my adams apple, down to my chest, down to my stomach. I stopped her hand and we changed places, I pinned her down on the bed and I started to kiss her cheeks, I bit her ear and I heared her do a moan. I smile and comtinued kissing her neck, to he collar bone, to her shoulders, down to her chest. 

I'm unzipping her dress, while she's unzipping my top. And that 'thing' happened.

'Maybe, I...yeah no I'm sure. I am starting to fall for this drunken frenzy witch, Vanessa Enoteca'

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