Chapter 2-

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Vanessa's pov:

I'm getting excited, because of the double pay. And I can buy many booze and went shopping next day off. But there is also this feeling of a bit of nervousness, and hapiness because I'm alone with him. I don't know this feeling, it's completely new.

Nevermind that, I'll just focus on the mission. I'll just think about this later. It's just guarding sheeps, it's easy.

Finral's pov:

We arrived at the place. It's a very big area full of a hundreds of sheeps. We saw the barns on the right side, that's probably the place where we gonna put the sheeps.

"WOW! I never seen this before,I mean there's a plenty of them!!", Vanessa said. I looked at her and blushed on how cute her reaction right now.

'Hey what's with the blushing?? Think about how cute is Finesse! Just Finesse!'

We are on the huge field, there are many flowers at this side. It's away from where the sheeps are eating. There are butterflies flying around,Rouge is happy chasing them.

"Wow! This is so beautiful!!", Vanessa ran to the flowers and turned around her hair flying through the wind. She's smiling.
I smiled her back.

'I wish i could bring Finesse here next time, Oh and I'll bring her flowers today"

"Alright! Enough of the playing. Let's get back to work", I said and Vanessa looked at me with her pouty red lips. I blushed, I can't help it. She's just, just so cute.

'Erase, erase, Finral! Think of Finesse, just Finesse'

"Okay!", she said and went back to my direction. Rouge is still chasing the butterflies, we walked closer to where the sheeps are eating.

So we came up with the plan. I'm going to open a portal,while Vanessa will use her threads to catch the sheeps and guide them to the portal or chase after them and lead them to the portal. This is gonna be exausting again.

"Ready! GO!", I signaled Vanessa and she starts to chase and catch the sheeps. I know it's tiring but....Vanessa is just laughing and smiling. She's enjoying this, I unconsciously smiled.

'Who would have thought she had this a little childish side'

We ended up there the whole day, it's just a few sheeps left. The sky turned gray and rainclouds are formed, it's going to rain. And it started raining.

"Great! We haven't finished this and I'm almost out of mana. I can't transport us back at this rate", I said to Vanessa.

"I know", she caught the last 5 ships and led them to the portal. But they are already wet.

"Alright, all done", Vanessa said and looked up. She closed her eyes and removed her hat and let the rain flow through her hair. She smiled.

I stared at her. Her white skin, her long eyelashes, her pink colored hair, and I gulped.
Her red soft lips.

'What the heck! You have Finesse, and Finesse only'

I shook my head but I just can't help staring at her.

"Since you got no magic powers left and were already wet. Let's just bath to the rain and enjoy this.", Vanessa said and looked at me. I looked up the sky and let the rain flow through my hair too, and I slowly brushed my hair with my fingers. She's right,this is fun. I close my eyes to feel how cold is the water.

I looked down and looked at her. Our gazes met, and I can feel my cheeks heat up.
Her magical eyes, when you look at them. It's like a spell that you cannot easily remove your eyes from hers. Plus her red luscious lips.

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