Chapter 10

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Vanessa's POV:
~ A day before the wedding~

The black bulls received an invitation to Finral's wedding and I feel hopeless and empty.
And I've been asking Langris this past few days about Finral. I heard his happy and getting along well with his fiancè.
'He's getting married tomororow'

I can't go, I can't bear to see him walking to isle with the girl he loves. I can't bear to see him kiss her. That's why I asked Captain Yami that...

"Yami-danchou, can I get a vacation?", I asked him.

"No, but why do you need to go  where?", he asked me.

"Please, I will be back the next day. I will go home to the witches forest", I said.

"Why? And tomorrow is Finral's wedding. Don't you wanna come and see him?", he  asked me and gave a confused look.

'I do captain, I really want to see him'

I felt my tears falling to my cheeks. And shooked my head to hide my tears and sobs.

"Hey Vanessa, why are you crying?", he asked.

"Captain Yami, I can't keep this to myself anymore.", I said and looked up. I cried that i can hear my sobs on Captain Yami's office.

"I wanna go away, I can't bear to see Finral marry other. C-Captain I-I l-love him..I l-love h-him v-very m-much..I jsut can't bear it, it really hurts, it really hurts", I said between my sobs.

I saw Captain Yami stood up and pat my shoulder.

"I understand, you can have a vacation but make sure you tell him how you feel to him. Write a letter and we'll send it to him", he said and I nodded.

"T-thank you Captain", I said and left. I quickly ran to my room and packed my things, after that I picked up a paper and a pen.

Dear Finral,

                  I know that the time that you read this, you are already married. I can't come to your wedding because of important matters, or should I say I "won't" come. This is already the last time I can communicate to you and tell you how I really feel, that's why

Finral Roulacase, I love you. I always love and will love you. Even if you are not mine, I will still love you.

I can't bring myself to attend to your wedding because I can't bear the pain to see you marry the girl you truly love. Always take care of yourself and make her happy... and Happy Birthday. Goodbye.

I finished writing the the letter, and put it inside the envelope.

I picked up my things and went downstairs.

"Where are you going Vanessa-neesan?", I heard Asta asked.

"Where are you off to? A mission?"--Magna

"Where are you going Vanessa-san?",---Noelle

"Where are you going la~~?"--Charmy

I sighed and smiled.

"I am going to a vacation, and Charmy can you please give this to finral tomorrow, or ask Langris to give this to him. I know Langris will understand", I said and gave her the envelope.

"Why are you leaving? You're not gonna come to Finral's wedding?", Luck asked.

I smiled bitterly. "Nah, I'll pass. I need to go, good bye".

"Bye!", they all sais in unison.

"Take care!", Noelle said.

I will go home and ask if there is a way to get rid of this feelings. And escape from this unrequited love.

A/N: Sorry if this is short, this is just basically Vanessa's POV before Finral's wedding.

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